Reviews for Demons
HermyLuna2 chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
Oh Barty. Poor thing. I feel really sorry for him. I really like your mad!Barty here.
Emmeebee chapter 1 . 1/13/2015
This was actually quite chilling. I was looking for stories where Regulus was alive, but I liked the fact that this reality was just inside Barty’s head rather than Regulus being there as a ghost or something. I take it Regulus became a Death Eater first, Barty did nothing to stop it, and then Barty became one afterwards? I really like the line about people being their own torturers – really, the worst kind of vitriol is that which you yourself believe.
deletes chapter 1 . 1/13/2015
Ohhh, this was beautiful. I really love the idea of Regulus taunting Barty in his head. The connection between this sort of torture and what Barty did to Alice and Frank was chilling, the thought that he's doing it to himself. And I like how mind!Regulus brought up Cedric too. Amazing xx