Reviews for Kiku
Random Junk 13 chapter 2 . 9/27/2015
please update soon
I'm loving this :D XD
mimi-chan and aliling-chan chapter 2 . 1/13/2015
Can I request something in this story? America as mushu n Canada as cricket. And here's a tip in not getting writer's block, try not to follow the exact same lines or scenes. Make the story match with the character well. Give most scenes a twist, which match the hetalia characters' personality so it doesn't seem out of character. No offense but it just what most readers including myself want to see in the story. It's a good story but try not to use the exact same lines in most scenes if not all.
Hi chapter 2 . 1/12/2015
Hello I like the idea for this story a lot but I feel like you should put a bit of their own personality so then it would be exactly the same as the movie! If you do that it'll make your story more unique you know?