Reviews for By any other name
VerinVerdandi chapter 1 . 5/14/2004
Hey! HEY! Where the heck are YOU! Get moving! I want to know what happens next!
I sorta gotta question for you, if it doesn't work than I don't care, but could you might put my character Alexander in a relationship with another character? If you can't, then that's fine with me. But I would really appreciate it if you would :)
Angel Reid . Tobias Dominik chapter 7 . 5/7/2004
Oh. Will there be more of this? I hope so. Please? Please? **in whiney Pietro voice** I shall do your bidding if you do...
Lady D of Chaos chapter 7 . 4/30/2004
i like it so far and cant wait for more!
Medjke chapter 7 . 1/18/2004
Please update!
Amelia Glitter chapter 7 . 12/28/2003
Jean's last name is spelled with an 'e'.
Your story is good so far. Mostly because I needed something random to read and partly because I like the fun character interaction. As a rule I don't normally read OC stories, but hell, it said 'slash' so I jumped it.
Just please, please, please don't put in Lance/Kitty or Kurt/Kitty. I hate those pairings. Can I make some pairing suggestions? I personally want Pietro/John (*drool*) and Ray needs to get some as well. I love Ray, and he's ignored so often. *sigh*
Fred God of chapter 7 . 8/18/2003
good story but can ya bloody stop puttin in oc's one or two is nice but it's gettin bloody confusein. other wise good. slashy slashy
Medjke chapter 7 . 7/12/2003
Please update! I can't wait for the next chapter!
Medjke chapter 7 . 6/2/2003
Please continue this story! I can't wait until the next chapter.
Haretrigger chapter 7 . 3/7/2003
Hey, idiot nr. I was just reading your fic and stuff and I want to say something.

It fucking rocks!

More please.
Scribbler chapter 7 . 2/21/2003
I can honestly say that your author's notes make me laugh more than most other things in my life. I've just spent the past twelve or so hours cramped up in the backseat of a car, my legs squished between a laptop, a kiddie's scooter and a bag of Braeburn apples, amongst other things, and I was not a happy bunny at *all*. Yet your comments still managed to make me giggle for a full five minutes without stopping. 'Bob the Builder', I know that show! I get overdoses of it whenever I help my mother out at work (she's a childminder, and the little girls she looks after have an obsession with Pilchard the cat). Altogether now 'Bobby, the Builder; can we fix it? Bobby the Builder; yes we can!'

I probably laughed a lot for the similar reason that my dad's name is Bob, and he's a self-proclaimed handy-man, even though the last time we let him loose with a toolbox he managed to cut off the end of his thumb and had to carry it to hospital in a plastic bag for them to sew it back on again. Not pretty. Not pretty at all.

Yep, 'C'est La Vie' is both catchy and annoying in equal measure, if for nothing else than because the muscial interlude makes you want to get up and perform an Irish jig, which only makes the people on the bus look at you funny. or maybe that's just me. Changing the subject, whatever happened to B*Witched, I wonder?

Spin City! I haven't watched that show since Michael J. Fox left, and I miss it. I need my fix of american comedy, since I personally find it far superior to British.

I'm babbling, so. sorry. Being cooped up in a small space and then given an entire bag of Cadbury's Chocolate Mini Eggs is not a good idea. Say it with me; "Too much Sugar, a hyper Scribbler makes".

Write more. Soon. Hope to see you on the Bulletin Board too.

SCRIBBLER ~ Who wishes CNX had bothered to show the rest of season two after 'Shadow Dance' since she is, for some obscure reason, developing a penchant for Roberto even though she's never heard him speak/ seen him do anything/ play any part except that of Institute-scenery etc. before.
kojie chapter 7 . 2/20/2003
E! E! E! Trust me, it's definitely Jean GrEy. Hehe. Finally! Jean makes an appearance! I know, I know. I'm weird for liking her. But still.. yay! And some S/J luvin.. _ Me LOVE this chapter! Oh.. and another character introduction;D More please!
VerinVerdandi chapter 7 . 2/20/2003
'Hey boy, sittin' in your tree, mummy always wants you to come for tea. Don't be shy, straighten up your tie, get down from your treehouse hangin' from the sky.' from Bewitched, the music group, it's very catchy.

Like this chapter alot, more Scooter was in this, but still like the chapter. Do NOT put yourself down on your writing, you write very good (much better than I do). Update just a tinsy winsy bit faster, please?

spirit s chapter 7 . 2/20/2003
Coo'.it's an intro of Tristian!

Great 7th chapter you've written, I think Jean's last name is spelled with an 'e'

wanted to build a tree-house, I wonder what it looks like? *pictures a green/pink shack with blue glass windows and a small yellow door.* um.*cringes*

the descriptions! Up-a-date soon!

- ss
MissNovelist NSI chapter 7 . 2/19/2003
Oh, taht was such a great chapter I have no clue why I find it so special, but it's still great anyway! Treehouse, huh? Sounds like fun. I think o.O I want a treehouse, but considering the fact that I don't have a treehouse big enough, I can't have one :P But maybe there's one in the backyard. Wait, I don't even know HOW to get into my backyard (long story :P)! Yargh. Yes, anywhoo, very spiffy chapter. Lots of flirting, heh. And yay for Bobby/Jubes! I like them together and I don't know why! ; Well, I'm off to do some homework. But first I've gotta send you that e-mail about Rakell. And once I'm done with all of that, I'm gonna go practice on my beautiful new Squier bass Keep writing!
Death Lord La chapter 7 . 2/19/2003
*claps* YAY! BRAVO! Great chapter dear, great chapter. Lotsa Scooter boy, so happiness all around, see ~ _ _ _ (thats a lot o' happy) HEY, as far as couples go, I won't say who should be with who, as tere are yet more OCs coming. Once they all appear, then I'dworry about couples. Flings are cool though, have some flings! just no "official fic couples" yet. HEEHEE, can't wait till the next chappy!
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