Reviews for Aperture Science Afterlife
REEaH7 chapter 83 . 7/11
The turrets are so cute yet so
REEaH7 chapter 72 . 7/11
Chekl deserves a foot massage after all that XD!
REEaH7 chapter 71 . 7/11
Hello. I just wanted to say how much I've been enjoying this story. The detail you put into this is just amazing. I also like the length of the chapters. It's just sometimes with really long chapters you can kinda start to nod off especially as I have TTS reading the stuff to me. Thanks again for the great story.
ColonelJayWrites chapter 4 . 6/11
Yeaaah, that's definitely Wheatley.
geekqueen2010 chapter 22 . 6/2
Not only is Wheatley not a moron, he has an engineering degree and was the lead engineer the Borealis! I'm so proud! I dislike how Chell was made to be a homicidal brat in this fic though.
Guest chapter 5 . 8/13/2017
Uhh the cores aren't humans or androids
Guest chapter 168 . 10/28/2016
Gah, part of that last review got messed up, sorry. A few lines from the bottom a couple of sentences merge. It's meant to say something along the lines of " little time to think about it. When Wheatley meets Chell..." I hope that clears it up .
Guest chapter 168 . 10/27/2016
Seeing as you've put so much effort into your story and have given me a good chance to say this, here's a review (sorry that it is anonymous):
I started reading this a few months after I found Portal and its fan fiction writing fandom. I have to say I was incredibly impressed by the word count! I got partway through and now I just read the "mortar" chapters for the following reasons: one, I read fan fiction mostly to see the characters. I like to see what new takes authors can bring to the table in terms of characters like Chell who we know very little about both story and personality wise and like Wheatley who has a lot of time in his life uncovered by the game. And two, I'm not keen on walkthroughs in fanfics, they bore me somewhat because I already have many levels ingrained into my memory from playing the games more times than one. For these reasons your first chapters interested me much more than the later ones. Maybe keep these things in mind? I'm not sure.
Anyway, before you publish your second part I would like to ask a question/give feedback (I'm not sure what to call it). It is this: Wheatley seems quite out of character from what I understand (I might have just missed something) in-game he is a character who always seems very unplanned, he is ad-libbing his conversation starters, his routes to take you and his test chambers. He always seems kind of out of his depth and is the kind of person who is lead by his emotions, not rational thought. His speech also reflects his improvising manner, he might stutter or repeat part of a sentence in order to clarify or improve it, a verbal backspace, as it were. He is almost human. Your Wheatley seems a lot more composed. His speech is more articulate and thought through. He gives well structured answers to questions raised by the passengers with little emotional interference and little time to think about he meets Chell again he isn't nearly as flustered as you'd expect. He's more level-headed, he's more calculated, he's a computer, ironically. I am not trying to insult you or your style as this style of writing suits GLaDOS and I could easily see Chell speak in that way. I am wondering, though whether or not this difference between game-Wheatley and your Wheatley is intended and if not, how would you explain that in-universe. Is it a mask he hides behind to make people have different expectations of him? Is it a fault in programming? Did someone force it on him while he is still inside, trying to formulate sensible answers while a bit of code gets in the way, making thoughts and word scrambled?
I don't know but I hope you consider my feedback and take it positively as that is all I am trying to do. I am interested to see what you do with it.

PsychicEevee0103 chapter 168 . 10/26/2016
Hmm... honestly, I think the main reason why not a lot of people have been reviewing this story is because the core plot of it we already know because it's Portal. I understand about splitting your story up, since this is getting rather long and everything. This does indeed seem to be one of the best possible ending spots, too.
TichePotato chapter 166 . 10/20/2016
"Woohoo! Sweet science!"
James Birdsong chapter 159 . 10/2/2016
Good work
TichePotato chapter 157 . 9/13/2016
Well, rest in peace my sides.
SeerKing chapter 140 . 6/26/2016
OK, I am officially confused. The last few chapters seem to be...Chell's dreams? Her dreaming of her memories while in the relaxation vault? Am I right? While it's nice, I cannot wait for them to end and the stortyline of Portal 2 to begin.
BenRG chapter 18 . 6/13/2016
FWIW, I can see some of Cave's point here. The human mind is one of the most devilishly unpredictable things in this world; it's possible that the test subjects will come up with some entirely unexpected solutions to a given test that may open up whole new avenues of research.

That said, I get the impression that he didn't really care much about loss of life, so long as he got his precious results.
BenRG chapter 17 . 6/13/2016
Only Aperture could create a diet pill with the sales pitch: "Now 50% Less Likely to Kill You!"
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