Reviews for Redefining The Future
Nmasters12 chapter 11 . 8/4/2019
When you say they are having tea you do mean dinner or down south we say supper the evening meal. I love your stories. Keep writing.
Fashionista-girl chapter 21 . 6/3/2019
I thought that the maid didn't exist in this story line. I guess you decided to add her in then.
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 46 . 5/9/2019
The conversation between Gibbs and Tim was interesting, I wish I could have seen the look on Tim's face when Gibbs explained things so clearly, right down to the promise of a spanking if he disobeyed a direct order again. Both kids need to see a shrink. Oh, Dr. Kate's Sister! On to the vacation!

Hugs, Che'
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 45 . 5/8/2019
Lord! I always hate it when there is a traitor! And that bastard tried to kill Ziva! I know he'd said so, and it didn't surprise me at all, having the foreknowledge of Somalia, but to actually see him try... I'm flabbergasted! It fitting that Jenny was the one to end Svetlana. And Tim! Wearing a vest was really smart, but why did he go home?

Hugs, Che
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 44 . 5/8/2019
Oh, wow! Hasn't the day been interesting enough? Don't they deserve just one night to 're-bond? Will they get to eat dinner? I am miffed at Jenny, though. She needs a serious attitude adjustment. Gibbs doesn't deserve the way she's been acting. And Tim! Has he gone out of his little elf Lord mind?

Hugs, Che'
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 43 . 5/8/2019
Poor Ziva! Two and a half spankings for the same offense. At least it's over and not still being dreaded. And Eli being dressed as a woman! If the situation weren't so serious I'd be rolling on the floor! Has anyone told Tony that Sr. is dead? I was hoping to finish this tonight, but no chance. It's 1:30 am and I need some sleep, so tomorrow it will be.

Hugs, Che'
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 42 . 5/7/2019
Eli seems to have had a psychotic break. Normally he would be way too clever to commit mass murder! And killing his own people! Have to wonder if he's going to kill Svetlana and Sr, or at least try to, or try to join them. I feel a little sorry for Ziva. She should know her Daddy keeps his promises, but still...

Hugs, Che'
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 41 . 5/7/2019
Ziva, I hope you're prepared for what is coming tomorrow. Thank goodness everything went well for everybody! Now to see what happens in D.C.

Hugs, Che'
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 40 . 5/7/2019
Oh, Ziva! You are getting yourself into so much trouble! Good luck to our four intrepid agents. Yes, I know I demoted Jen. I feel sorry for Jack and Tony, too. Worrying about Ziva on top of the worries they already had.

Hugs, Che'
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 39 . 5/7/2019
You know, it's inevitable that Gibbs is going to draw parallels between Ziva and Kelly. I think it is healthy, healing for him to do so. When this is over I think Gibbs should contact Dr. Kate's Sister (their name for her) and fill her in on everything and get Ziva in counseling. If they don't she would probably never be able to blend in at school. Regardless, she needs counseling to get over what her SpermDonor did to her and Dr. Kate's Sister can be trusted. Okay, off my soapbox now. Good luck to Grandpa Jack.

Hugs, Che'
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 38 . 5/6/2019
Finally! We are getting somewhere! Can't wait to see this over and everyone safe!

Hugs, Che'
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 37 . 5/5/2019
The only happy ending would be Eli and Sr both dead asap! The sooner the better for the kids.

Hugs, Che'
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 36 . 5/5/2019
Lucky people! It's 11:00 pm and I had good chicken dinner, and still my mouth is watering! I love shark! I've had blue, tiger, and Mako. Mako is the best, so far anyway. Wonderful lunch, nice plans made, and the friggin phone has to ring.

Hugs, Che'
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 35 . 5/5/2019
I figured it was something like that, what was bothering Ziva. I just wish I knew what brought it on. Unless she managed to eavesdrop somewhere the last couple days.

Hugs, Che'
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 34 . 5/5/2019
I haven't heard of the redback spider before. I'm glad Tony won't have any serious effects from the bite. Poor kid! I'm so glad Ziva showed good sense and showed them right away where the had been when Tony got bit. An early night sounds just the thing.

Hugs, Che'
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