Reviews for Zero to Sixty
Guest chapter 2 . 10/13/2015
Ah, Salen... I fucking love all your work, but this is so so so much different so wonderful! I'm Sve by the way, lest a review before, actually I don't remember if in this the prequel, anyway, soooo wonderful! It's always really nice to read what you write girl.
fungeki chapter 2 . 8/7/2015
This was an amazing story. The idea of sex being whatever the two people consent to and not following the norm. I loved it!

Also the two of them first finding out they were both bottoms was hilarious! Thank god Roxas was creative.

Thank you for the amazing story!
Fan.Fiction.Love chapter 2 . 3/11/2015
OMG, I loved this story. It wa so sweet and so sexy. Yum!
Sve chapter 2 . 3/2/2015
This is fucking gold. You're so damn amazing writing and then you're one of the few who can make really good real sex scenes and that's just amazing!
God I can picture a friend in this story, well he kind of did it, both bottoms then one day bam! Together.
Ahhhh I love it. And I'm old I guess.
kindofabadger chapter 2 . 1/22/2015
Ohhhh! Preach it, sister! I love that, intentional or not, at the end, 'making love the way they liked to, without caring what anyone else said was normal' HEAR THAT OVERLY CONSERVATIVE RIGHT WING NUTJOBS? GET OUT OF OUR BEDROOMS! sORRY, sorry...not really sorry

This was sweet and fluffy and wonderful but hot and sexy as only you can write. You are right, they should be together and so will find a way to make it work. I love how they fell into it gradually, conceding little steps like *looking* and *touching* first. They are so freaking precious. I love them so much and I love the way you write them.
xDelfin chapter 2 . 1/20/2015
This is so amazing! Thank you so much for this. Please keep writing. I can't imagine the fandom without you. The series is growing older every day and I've been following your works since I got into it. I am never disappointed. Awesome stories this and QDQN were. Strangely, just what I needed to read right now! Thank you again :3

AquaYoyi-2b chapter 2 . 1/18/2015
This was so amazing! I love it all the way! i was so hooked up! ANd the ending was so , You are an amazing writer. I admire you and your work. This is so awesome!
Tekko chapter 2 . 1/16/2015
Ahh! I never thought that you were going to add on to this! So much joy, so much happiness! I have no idea how you manage to make every word captivating, drawing in the reader until everything else fades into the background. Thank you, thank you and THANK you to the person who commissioned this! Writers like you make the world a better place *_*

NamelessAnon chapter 2 . 1/15/2015
This! I woke up this morning and thought to myself that I wanted to reread on of your stories, and noticed you had a new story up! :3 Best way to start the day ever :D
ppk chapter 2 . 1/15/2015
Beautious. TuT
Ldrmas chapter 2 . 1/14/2015
Yay so much yay loved it so much
Kunoichi21 chapter 2 . 1/14/2015
Oh. My. Fucking. God. You and... this... I just... HNNNNG. You just made me legitimately cry tears of happiness and. And... FUCK. How do I even /speak/ right now? Your words turned my brain into a big puddle of goo inside my head and I cannot process a thing at the moment.

I absolutely loved this continuation. Like, holy fuck. My cheeks hurt from smiling like a Goddamn idiot as I was reading, I have teeth impressions on my finger from where I was biting it, and I can /not/ stop crying right now. I'm in a state of euphoria. I don't even think my reaction was this visceral with TDTM. I have been TRYING to stop crying for the last ten minutes and my eyes will NOT. STOP.

What did you do to me?
Crashley chapter 2 . 1/14/2015
Omg, thank you so much! This is so much more than I dreamed! 3 I will cherish this work of literature forever! 3 This is so good! 3 The sex and romance ratio was perfect! I also love at the end when they become sort of like a dom and sub couple! 3 You are the best and you can certainly expect more commissions from me in the future! 3
RoyalDragoness chapter 1 . 1/14/2015
Thank god someone asked for this! I fucking looooooved it! Your so damn talented! I loooooved this soooo much!
Guest chapter 2 . 1/14/2015
OMG the pornspeak! It's always awkward to read, but I bust out laughing at "yummy penis." How many grown people out there honestly say yummy? I've always found it creepy when girls refer that way to sex scenes, but I assumed it was them being overly cutesy and juvenile; I stopped saying yummy and yummy and peepee and potty and ouchies when I was 7.
Rant aside, this is hilarious! You've made my day :)
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