Reviews for Malik Learns The Meaning Of Christmas
Rima chapter 1 . 11/23/2004
Keep it up and up-date soon! I really like it!
Animegoil chapter 1 . 7/6/2004
Wow. It's realyl sad you discontinued it cause you're writing style is so thoughful and descriptive,. Really gets you in the mood of the character. Happy birthday... two and a half years later... but still. Anyway, it was a good fic. I woudl sugest howwver that you begina new paragraph everytime someone new speaks.




"Ryou" ... "Ryou"


Way simplified example.. anyway, i really really liked this chapter. Wish there were more...
Kiteyashi chapter 1 . 3/14/2004
I love it. Ryou is SOO sweet.
YuffieKasaki chapter 1 . 2/7/2004
Yuffie:write more soon...Yes I won pay up Leon, And Marik
Leon:why does she ALWAYS win
Marik:maybe because YOU ALWAYS use the shoot gun
Leon:YOU ALWAYS use the pistle
Yuffie:.I always use ether the NUKE or the MP-5 or THE BLUE STAFF OF THE ROYAL
Leon:Just write more
Avalon Shizuka chapter 1 . 2/21/2003
Are you going to leave us hanging here or are you going to write some more? Please! I wanna know what happens! Its a good story with a good plot!
Gyakutenno Megami chapter 1 . 12/22/2002
WRITE MORE! Or I will be forced to... to... CHALLENGE MALIK TO A DARKNESS DUEL! Duh duh duuh!
Kitty chapter 1 . 12/2/2002

It's good to see one of the best authors I know

formly known as Bakura's Angel.

You have cool stories

could make one with you me and the cast Pwetty


I'll send another reveiw later


good storie keep up the good work
Seena chapter 1 . 12/2/2002
_ I don't celebrate christmas, either; I'm an athiest (though I'm thinking about converting to Ancient Egyptian; it sounds fun! Don't ask). I like this fic a lot, though! *runs and puts on favourites* It was really well written, and there's so few stories with Mariku in them at all (but Battle City's starting now, so who knows what'll be popping up in the near future?), so it's cool that way, too! I'll be watching this fic!

My friend's brithday is on the fifth, too! Woah, that's wierd. You're name wouldn't happen to be Joanne, would it? And you wouldn't happen to have a friend who's name is really Seena, would you? _ But my friend Joanne doesn't really like Yu-Gi-Oh! that much anyway... so, what do you want? *Gives Keiko, G.O.D a hundred dollars so she can get whatever she wants*
Gyakutenno Megami chapter 1 . 12/2/2002
" Some prankster from another school, aparently hosed down the door on the outside, and now the door is frozen shut,". Hee hee!
UK Chatte aka Silver Flure chapter 1 . 12/1/2002
Nyuuu~! Yay! I look forward to GOOD STUFF! :D Please continue!
Myaka Uchiha chapter 1 . 12/1/2002
Hi ya! this is good and heres a present... A life time amout of sugar! its a pefict present but also a plushy of you favorite charactor! see ya!