Reviews for Learn from past and live for future
anonymous chapter 16 . 5/23
Your spelling is still wrong in a lot of areas and there were many words used in the wrong context. Sentence structure is majorly wrong on other things. Some of the sentences are hard to follow due to the way they are structured. It's a good story for a beginning piece.
I am not sure if English is your first language or one you learned later in life. If it is a second language then I commend you for learning multiple and understanding multiple different languages, I never had the patience to learn. As far as I can tell, the story is great, it jumps around a little bit and it's hard to follow due to spelling and grammar errors. It seemed a bit rushed and the plot could use some work. If you were to put more time into the plot, climax, and story behind the characters it could be a great piece that many would remember.
Again, no offense just creative criticism. As it stands right now it is entertaining, but one can easily lose interest in the story due to the plot holes. It seemed rushed and partially thought out instead of a full-fledged story. I hope this information helps, you also may want to look into another BETA reader because a lot of the errors that I spotted were easily seen and very hard to ignore. Not saying they aren't good at what they do but it would be highly recommended to get a BETA reader that their primary language is English to read over the works you plan to put in English. English is one of the hardest languages to follow and understand due to our slang and how we use it and when certain words are used, when it is appropriate to be used and how. Someone that speaks primarily English would be able to assist you in the structure, use, spelling, and grammar that needs to be implemented, where and how.
twilightserius chapter 16 . 5/11
Thanks for the great story an stay safe during these weird and disturbing times XD
Imprimatur chapter 10 . 12/29/2019
Lol - it seems like Duo is hoarding people out of luck
Imprimatur chapter 6 . 12/29/2019
Okay - I like trained dogs a lot it is a great Idea and you processed it perfectly.
Imprimatur chapter 4 . 12/29/2019
I now read more than 3 Chapter and by now I could only ay that I like the Idea and the way the characters acting in the story environment. Good Job!
Meg chapter 15 . 11/19/2019
This chapter was absolutely amazing. I liked the pace in this chapter, the love between Heero and Duo, and their plan for the future. I simply adore this story!
Awesome work by this author, Thanks!
Hikaru Itsuko chapter 15 . 11/20/2019
Well, I'm really glad that finally those two opened up and talk and more about their feelings.
Welcome back, I'll be waiting for the epilogue.
And I totally agree with them on how they handled Une
The Toa of Science Fiction chapter 1 . 11/14/2019
Interesting, interesting... Coupla grammatical blips and awkward dialogue, but it all has a certain feel to it, like it's fanfiction and no one's denying that. Will follow closely.
Hikaru Itsuko chapter 14 . 6/29/2019
Good chapter, I like a lot how Duo talks and treats Luke, how he doesn't look down on him. So I think he would be a great addition to the farm.
And I think Solo would have him eating from his hand, lol.
twilightserius chapter 14 . 6/29/2019
Tooo cute now that he feels safe solo is like a mini duo and heero combine cute and people person.
TKM chapter 14 . 6/29/2019
Wow, now that chapter was fascinating and well written. I like how every new chapter gives a reader something new from the story plot side. I'm definitely looking forward for more from this author! Thank you, for all your hard work!
twilightserius chapter 13 . 6/26/2019
Get they asses let them suffer and I will read with pleasure at their pain. Specially the pink bitch
Hikaru Itsuko chapter 13 . 6/25/2019
Well, I welcomed you back, it was one hell of a chapter, kudos to you.

This was a great come back, so I'll be waiting for the next chapter.
ffreeloader chapter 12 . 2/24/2019
Great story, I do hope you bet to finish it. Thanks
Fred Freeloader chapter 11 . 9/5/2018
Thanks for the story. You said TBC. Are you going to finish this or take it down so people will not be left hanging Thanks
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