Reviews for Invisible Control
Guest chapter 12 . 7/1/2019
Oh pls make Addie older to make me feel better about her and Damon being together.
slexieotpforever chapter 28 . 1/5/2019
I love the story but I gotta say Addie annoys me. I’m hoping for some good character development there.
HPuni101 chapter 6 . 10/31/2018
Glad I found this again. Can't remember if I left a review last time. I like Addie. I'm always surprised though because if Elena had a sibling younger than Jeremy, she would definitely do whatever it took to make sure they stayed out of the supernatural for as long as possible. But this is interesting. I wonder if it'll be weird if Damon and Addie ended up together since he knew her from when she was 14. Looking forward to more.
pippaberkeley chapter 3 . 7/13/2018
I’m imagining Marie Avgeropoulos in tracers as Addie bc she sort of looks like nina dobrev just with a thinner face and blue green eyes
Guest chapter 17 . 7/16/2017
Take care wood wood/you thought I was stupid. You lied and said you weren't lying only to find out that's what defines you. When you want your future hit me up till then no more me. She should have went there or not. I told you to take control and you chose to try and play both sides of the fence. Never admitted you were wrong ever, you live in denial and fantacy, Well guess what this didn't have to be you did this hit me up some time.

chomayanacpatowata acwjjb-athruwmac(o)7/22/20171234567(not)communication/respect/LOYALTY/honesty/drive/persistence/and no more B.S. your vanpires wont go away in til you tell them to and quit feeding them. With out blood they die and you wont I will catch you if you faint. No more C10HI5N. I wont ask you to do anything I wont. Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick, Tock. If you don't want to change gb and that means you will quit blaming all of your sins on you sisters and the witch. Because you have control over them by controlling what you drink. Drink from 14,5 15,16.13,25 and you will be'''
Its Good your go chapter 14 . 7/16/2017
Your story is fun, but you don't understand me obviously. When your someone like myself and are surrounded by nothing but sinister evil, lies. BS you have to have a switch switch that you can turn on. When I turn on my switch I don't play I go from kind to straight evil. That is how you beat evil you don't toy around with it. You adapt, overcome, let the enemy think you are stupid, so you let your guard down. You either have it or you don't. Your fucking crazy if you think I'm a vampire I only go to your world with the hopes you will come to mine. You need to learn to feel and your adopted family will leave your deadline has been moved up since you did not give me an answer about a trip in two weeks you lose. I moved it up a week and was smart enough to book it on another computer. I suggest you send your 5th dimensional sisters packing and prepare to see your real family, the ones that live in the light and the dark. Time is ticking and you know how much I hate time I have waited long enough for you. you don't even know me because you wont come outside and play when I come knocking you always let your sister answer the door. You don't know how good I really am because everything is in the dark. Turning on a light is not a compromise I want life not death. I would rather die alone than at the hands of dead people. I have been dead long enough homeless, loveless, no family to speak of, not really wanting friends. So you don't have to try and kill anyone. I'm not willing to die for someone who doesn't want to live. I will bow out of your world, but will check in on you here and there so you free do be hunted for the rest of your life. I gave you an offer that only you could turn down. It sucks you have lost your will and vision to even identify your true family and not the ones who never want to experience a life that is filled with challenges with someone who really loves you. Instead you let your loved ones made from things you find under your sink or in a garbage can. You sleep next to someone who as actually fucked young kids and then you accuse me of the same barbaric act. You are dying and I'm not going down with you. You say you are being hunted? all of the walking dead are being hunted and its just a matter of time. Someday I will return again and it will be something like you have ever experienced. You will have a brief moment where everything all of a sudden becomes perfectly clear, then you will open your eyes and there will be nothing but silence...absolutely nothing but the voices you talk to. there will be no darkness to hide in, no shelter to hide no one will be there except your voices. Only the voices that were made underneath the sink and you will run for eternity with no where to go and deal with them. With no God and no Jason too fight for you, but I will know I tried with really good intentions. Catch me while you still can because I LOVE YOU...I TRULY DO.
Guest chapter 15 . 5/7/2017
loved it! great chapter :)
Amulet Sugar chapter 13 . 7/23/2016
Loving this story so far! And I'm glad Addie semi-likes/is amused by Katherine. I honestly wanted them to have a friendly-borderline-sister relationship just to spite everyone, Elena especially. Damon's feelings for Addie are so sweet, and it's only made better by the fact that he acknowledges their age differences and understands that times have changed, though that doesn't completely stop him from stealing a few sweet little kisses. Absolutely adorable if you ask me. At some point in the future, I'm really hoping Addie verbally bashes Elena in a long rant and hopefully gets her (and maybe even Stefan) to see just why she acts and says the things she does.
Guest chapter 34 . 6/23/2016
Story is good
admon chapter 38 . 3/8/2016
Admon that is the ship name I'm going with I honestly love this story and can't wait to read hostage control.
LadyScatty chapter 1 . 3/4/2016
Don't worry about the long reply, it was nice to have an inside about how you see your own story. You know I think I'm half in love with Addie, and I imagine her in a few years, wiser and more confident, and I think, damn Damon will be whipped. Yeah a battle of will, it's always like that with them (As a writer, you can admit it) don't you just sometimes want to make them fuck each other senseless ?
I'm currently rereading your story (as english is not my first language, I take a longer time to read, unfortunately french fanfictions aren't as good as english ones)

You're right, I can't imagine this Addie putting up with Damon and Elena's shit, and stearing clear of the supernatural world, besides she's Rebekah's friend, she's strong and saw true horrors
yesss chapter 26 . 2/27/2016
Finally they're together for real and Damon is so funny with his rules
guest chapter 23 . 2/24/2016
tvd lover chapter 16 . 2/22/2016
guest chapter 15 . 2/22/2016
I like how there are scenes added that are cute and personal and have nothing to do with the original plot because it adds originality.
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