Reviews for Godless
Wondla Master chapter 43 . 8/18/2019
So, I'm not sure if I said this before, but I really like this book. I have read it several times afterall.

It has both calm times and times of danger. There are some sentances that need to be worked on but the plot and overal story is wonderful. Not only that but there are MORE than five chapters and it's actually COMPLETE. Plus it has Link with an original character who also has WINGS.

I know I'll be reading it again in the future. It's just one of those stories that you can actually do that with. Like Harry Potter or Eragon. Definitely recommend for anyone who would want to read a story that you can't seem to put down.
MiharuTousaka chapter 42 . 5/20/2019
MiharuTousaka chapter 30 . 5/20/2019
These last couple of chapters are justsqueals mentally* just soooo damn perfect. The execution and everything is just. 10/10 I’m going back to my bawling now, I just needed to say that.
Guest chapter 28 . 3/25/2018
I like Aspen bc he has flaws but isn't bad...
XD chapter 27 . 3/25/2018
LoL Hanna is so cute
Most Mouse chapter 43 . 2/13/2018
This story was definitely something. The beginning was pretty decent, with an opener that was intriguing and held my attention pretty well. The odd abilities of Hanna to be able to see things when meeting people was a tad unique; not exactly The Sight or a third eye but just a snapshot affinity, but that never really made its way into the story after the situation in Ordon. That could be considered the fact she never really met any noteworthy humans afterwards, but it worked for Link who was not exactly Hylian, so tragically it was an aspect that was never really revisited and practically forgotten.

The in-depth character building of Link in the first dozen chapters were well done, I actually enjoyed it a lot and was a dimension of him I never took too long into consideration. He fought for so long with only Midna by his side, and all of sudden she's gone and he has to go back to Ordon. The struggle and strife in him, his PTSD, and all that form shifting from Hylian to wolf and back and forth, the rejection by the villagers, constantly losing the kids, and then just... expected to return back home and be Link. I thought you really stretched that out nicely, but as soon as Hanna had her wings released and she integreated into the community for a record breaking 2 days it was like it was all forgotten as well. It was such an alluring way to show Link, thru a muddy window of light, then to have it almost all fixed up, all the lasting trauma that seemed the follow him and separate him from the other Ordonians.

I did like however, after the scene at Lake Hylia, how Hanna was so beat down and seemingly alone that she would follow Aspen on her journey to resurrect her old gods. After all the fighting and difficulties to convince herself doing so was a waste, it didn't seem like she so easily fell into it, but more as a "well, why not?" sort of last ditch thing to do. Midna showing up and pleading with Hanna to go into Twili seemed like a barrier that would have to be faced, but again it never happened and never came to fruition. It was like she was merely introduced to further the man pain for Link, which is sort of a lame tactic to use. Midna has great character and could've been an ally, and a wound healed organically instead of having a goddess of love so do.

However, there were a few things that felt forced, some that were unrelatable as a reader, and things that just did not work entirely in general.

Working in an established universe, and to give it a new face can be a difficult thing to do. Especially with a universe as large as Legend of Zelda, somethings can be a hit or a miss. In the beginning, the idea that gods were destroyed to make way for the new world seemed farfetched, since it was always stated that Hylia created the world with the three goddesses to begin with. But once I loosened up and opened my mind to the thought of something else, and ditched my weirdly extensive knowledge of Zelda, it seemed a little cooler in theory. But it almost lost its world building magic at the time that Hanna and Link went to the stone island for their gods. However, it made a comeback in the end, having all the gods and goddesses together acting like greek gods, susceptible to fraternizing with mortals and overall being catty. But it was a thin line, teetering on seeing them no longer as higher immortals, and I think you skirted the line too closely, it left and odd feeling for them as characters that wasn't exactly enjoyment.

Hanna overall seemed a little one dimensional. Her overall dream, throughout the entire story was that she wanted to make a home and have children. It didn't give her much depth overall, and made her difficult to relate to. She had no dreams other than having children, nothing past it.

Her relationship with Link went far too quickly, overall the entire timeline of this story seems either heavily skewed, or all together it took about 6 weeks. In that time, Hanna met Link, dreamed about him, raced across Hyrule field in one night to be with him, spent a few days with Ilia, spent maybe one week in Ordon, and then their journey started. On their journey, they fought, never really got close, all of a sudden recruit Link to accompany them, they land on an Island, have one kiss, apparently immediately have sex afterwards, and get married literally the next day. But throughout the entirety, their relationship is both very childish and heavily mature, it could have been better to allow them mature through their relationship, but there was no time to allow that.

Something I also cannot understand or really even consider in the story overall was the sometimes vague, but mostly outright, themes of incest. In the beginning, Chenise was way too into her brother, when he was literally her brother. Entirely, my personal problem was with the end. Hanna and Link had children in pair specifically so they could imprint on one another and then run off at 16 to have children and families of their own? Incestuous bloodlines, teen pregnancy, filicide; neither are very good plot devices or theme elements. Also, if they were all running off and giving Hanna multiple grandchildren, where were their funds? Their abilities to maintain a household and provide for a family when they themselves were children? Just to allow for one child Sheik to actually challenge his incestuous family, only for his own mother to essentially kill him?

All in all. This story was an experience, and the parts that were well done were a joy to read through. I just felt that the end fell flat hard and fast. A for effort though.
forgotten truth124k chapter 43 . 11/22/2017
i have to say i really enjoyed this story i wish was more link oc or dark link oc fics completed and with such length to it to made a wonderful read and enjoyed theroly i hope to see more in this kind of read and thanks again for a fun and captivating read
Cheapie15 chapter 43 . 9/10/2017
OMG I was so happy to see this, I missed your LoZ stories! I loved it. It was nice to see Hanna and Link again, TBH I wanted a bit more of them (although I knew this was mainly about their children). I was so sad about Hanna's child's murder, and Sheik 's death because they were soul mates (at least that is what I thought was going on) But this was just what I needed, thank you! Good luck on your new book series!
M aeeeeee chapter 43 . 9/1/2017
Why hello there, random new chapter. XD
Aw, I'm glad that they were happy and had so many children! It was a little strange to read the sibling marriage part, but understandable considering being the only ones of their race. It was sad to hear about Sheik and his sister, but it still had a somewhat happy ending with Rose being introduced. This was a lovely story, definitely different! and I'll check Wendy out!
Guest chapter 42 . 8/17/2017
I'm surprised this story didn't get more love with how adorable it is :)
Ayla Skyrider chapter 42 . 4/16/2017
Hello! First off, thanks for writing - I've been replaying Twilight Princess and enjoyed your expansion on the world that it brings to life. It's also impressive to see you balancing these regular updates with all your other projects and family life going on. I'm hopeful for your continued writing career.

Of course, I read your story after its completion, so I didn't have to wait in agonized suspense. Hurrah.

I'll start with likes and critiques of the story itself, then the writing style.

I was intrigued by the initial plotline of a person descended from gods who lost a battle to the goddesses we're familiar with. The character building, inhabiting the TP world, building up from it, all done well. I especially liked the exploration of trauma that comes the kind of fighting Link does. In fact, I wished that had a little more exploration - I understand story lengths and timing, but it felt to me like he came to terms with many things thrown at him just a little too quickly. Similarly, I felt Hanna reacted realistically considering the traumatic nature of the things that happened, but recovery came quickly. Maybe I'm just feeling the fact that I could read it all the way through, rather than waiting for updates. I'm glad you engaged with it at all.

I'm normally a little leery of main character/OC pairings, as the OC tends just to be a stand-in for the author. (I am guilty of writing these kinds of stories myself.) Overall you did a pretty good job of avoiding some of those pitfalls. I suppose in this particular pairing I wish you had felt freer to play with gender roles. I'm not a huge fan of characters placing a lot of stake on masc/fem identity, and there were a few weird interactions between Link and Hanna that just pulled me right out of the story with bleh. ("Say I'm manly!")

When I see a huge original mythology spin itself out of a game universe, it can either complement the original universe well, or feel tacked on for the author's convenience to walk their story through. You walked a pretty fine line there, and if I step back from my (entirely too obsessive) knowledge of Zelda mythology, I enjoy your balanced creation of gods and goddesses warring, love needing to be tested. One thing I wished had been explored or at least acknowledged was the impact that last war had. How many people actually died? What did it do to the land and people? It was kind of like an Alderaan - "millions of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced" - but then the impact of that doesn't seem like much.

Your writing style is engaging without being overly descriptive, and you had some nice imagery there, while remaining fairly casual. A lot of it reminded me of Harry Potter meets Twilight, by which I mean it's a popular style. (And plot, similarly. Two destined lovers, a pause in a crossroads of the afterlife...) If your published book is like this, then I imagine it will do well. You have some typos here and there but nothing some editing wouldn't clean up.

Your characterization of this as something to enjoy as a break from a stressful world was exactly how I read it. Moreover, I appreciate your obvious passion for writing and encourage you to continue. I look forward to how your writing of romance and adventure will develop over the course of your career! Feel free to PM if you have any questions, though I don't think I've written anything requiring a response.
Alaria von ravencroft chapter 43 . 4/12/2017
Audio books of your stories sounds awesome
OcarinaOracle chapter 43 . 4/11/2017
I think it would be pretty awesome! Listen to your story would be pretty cool after I've read it
ThePlainwriter chapter 43 . 4/11/2017
would be interesting
ViVanilla chapter 43 . 4/10/2017
Yup, that would be nice when I feel too lazy to read.
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