Reviews for she makes the sound
RiRi2 chapter 1 . 6/1/2015
Oh. My. Gosh. That hurts. It's so sweet but it hurts...
Beautifully written btw :)
Guest chapter 1 . 4/19/2015
Can'tResistThisFantabulosity chapter 1 . 4/8/2015
It's beautiful. Not even kidding. I'm so stunned by this amazing writing. It's written so so well.
RainbowMinnieMuffin chapter 1 . 3/31/2015
Pretty intense
Really awesome
Continue being awesome

S'Tidey chapter 1 . 2/14/2015
love it
Hailssss chapter 1 . 2/14/2015
That was a great first chapter! Just a little confusing. But other than that awesome job!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/25/2015
are you going to update ffs?
C.T chapter 1 . 1/21/2015
This is amazing ,write more plz?
ADayWithNoLaughterIsADayWasted chapter 1 . 1/21/2015
Great job!(:
SpringSkullQueen chapter 1 . 1/21/2015
Loved it.
the real AnnaBAMFchase chapter 1 . 1/21/2015
This is flawless.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/21/2015
Wow man, u really rock stories. I was looking for percabeth stuff, read ur first story and have been reading all of them non-stop!.. Dude, seriously, u r one of my best fan fic writer because u update all so quickly!.. Btw make another story where annabeth gets jealous of girls who drool over percy, hottest guyin school, gets frustrated, and reveals her crush on percy jackson, who returns it... Or it can be like, percy tries to make annabeth jealous cuz she is confused bw luke and percy and grover helps him... BEST OF LUCK MY FAV FAN FIC AUTHOR
IIII Winter Wolf IIII chapter 1 . 1/21/2015
Good. Work but why would Percy make a reference to Christianity when he is a part of Greek mythology