Reviews for Under Construction
Bee4ever chapter 3 . 7/5
Oh wow! Talk about a roller coaster of emotions! First you have a very upset Prowl, because he realized he’d been difficult and felt badly about it, then you have an embarrassed Prowl after he got stuck in the web, and that quickly turned to discomfort and almost anger when Nimbus unknowingly touched his wings inappropriately, then gratitude for all the other bots did for him and Sides, and finally happiness when he fans Sides realized they made new friends. I loved every bit!
Bee4ever chapter 2 . 5/21
This is a really good story! I love learning the twins' backstory, and why Sunstreaker is so protective of Sideswipe. Btw, could this writing spurt mean there is more Prauri coming soon?
Selena Snow chapter 1 . 9/12/2015
Oh my goodness that was so great! I can't believe how they were before the, we really need Jazz to come back now!
FlowersForTheDead chapter 1 . 3/24/2015
Aw! That was an awesome one-shot and it made me smile and get happy feelin's! :D I read it to my little brother and I think he liked it too. He was really tired and passed out half-way though it so I won't be sure until tomorrow, but I think he did!
enmused chapter 1 . 2/3/2015
Primus I haven't reviewed anything on this site in months, but I had to make time to review this. I can't even begin to describe my reactions over Prowls accent. It's just so perfect. You captured him entirely as I imagined him being as a young mech, still logical to a fault but caring just so much that it's a fault of its own.
And Sideswipe was just adorable! I loved them both, but Sunstreaker standing in the background grumbling while Sides hugged everyone was just spot on. Reminded me a lot of myself and my younger sister when we were small.
And Jazz! Jazzy! I sure how you plan on bringing him back soon. Just in time to see Prowl flat on his face in love with Auri; he's already fallen, so it's too late for that, but still. Prowl really needs him, and he needs to open back up to the twins as well.
Anyways, massive review aside, this was amazing. Now to go read the latest chapter and melt into a puddle of goo.
TheDarkestCon chapter 1 . 2/3/2015
Beautifully written! I love these 'prequels' especially about the Twins and Prowl. Would there be a sequel to this? Or a brother-story?
Esor 'Rolamee chapter 1 . 1/29/2015
Nice work! This made me giggle

Any more?
Space Librarian chapter 1 . 1/24/2015
I really hope you make another chapter. Seeing Prowl like this, and interacting with Jazz and the twins, is absolutely adorable. I'd love to read a full blown prequel to "You Have Found a Home".
SJSGirl chapter 1 . 1/23/2015
Awwww this was cute!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/22/2015
This is so cute! I'm really happy that you wrote a backstory for how they met, and I love the way you set it up. It flows well with 'My Family, My Home' and shows a more relaxed version of Prowl.
And Prowl's accent! Aaeeii! I want to snuggle him even more now.
The end was definitely my favorite, with the blanket.

RoseGarden257 chapter 1 . 1/22/2015
This was really well put together and heart warming. I would love to see how the twins meet Ironhide as well
Alathea2 chapter 1 . 1/22/2015
This was so... Cute. Yes, cute in a warm-hearted way. Why am I not surprised that a fight is how Prowl met the twins. :)

Of course, now I want to see what happens when the Twins meet Ironhide for the first time...