Reviews for WoF: TrailBlazing
ThunderbladeN chapter 33 . 7/11
Arggh unfinished story business. This story is excellent, thought only partway finished. I hope the Marine finishes it one day.
Elbert the cookie chapter 33 . 6/4
I hope that you Finnish it soon! I am really enjoying the story so far!
ApplePi chapter 21 . 5/25
No peeking? But dragons don't wear clothes and don't have "parts" (as much as I Know)
ApplePi chapter 8 . 5/25
"As you wish" I'm having flashbacks of Princess Bride
moonwatchersilveny chapter 33 . 5/23
Guest chapter 33 . 4/23
Amazing story, cant wait for the next installment
Sunleaf chapter 15 . 4/15
I do not think that you should do a Blaze x Dust scene
Jack chapter 33 . 3/16
Are you going to release the next chapter? I’m just curious to know if it will be updated
TheJoffa chapter 33 . 12/17/2019
This is a great story! It has better writing than most of this site, and a great plot too. I really like how Blaze grows as a character, coming so far from being a scared dragonet. And I can't wait to see what comes next.
Jaevelynnn chapter 33 . 12/6/2019
oh, I can't wait for the next chapter! This book, out of all the books that I've read, it's absolutely the best.

Your doing such a good job! OH! CANT WAIT!
Guest chapter 27 . 9/15/2019
Arrrg. Beauty. So beautiful
-Queen Copper
awesome fan chapter 2 . 8/19/2019
Luv fanfictions. Luv you're story
PipeSlice3000 chapter 1 . 6/15/2019
Guest chapter 8 . 5/13/2019
I think this portrays Blaze in a very amazing yet realistic way. Has to be one of my favorite fan fictions yet!
Guest chapter 5 . 5/13/2019
I think that the Nightwings are probably the most sinister of the tribes in their natural habitat, but now that they are at peace in the rainforest, I'm not sure
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