Reviews for A Night at the Office
FanGirl4Life16 chapter 1 . 9/9
Cheeky Lin teasing Tenzin is always a joy! 5 years later and your work is still being read and appreciated... bravo!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/12/2015
They are sooo cute!
CapH0309 chapter 1 . 1/30/2015
Haha, I really liked this chapter ((mainly the end lol))
Secret River Fan chapter 1 . 1/27/2015
Well. That was *hot*.
I love ‘mariannewiththesteadyhands’ Linzin fanart, and her accompanying commentary to boot. That picture is my favorite, along with the last one she did for the finale as well.
This was fantastic. I loved everything from Tenzin taking a time out to fold his shirt to him putting up only a token protest as Lin seduces him, and Tenzin just praising Lin during. It’s just so him.
I think grown up Tenzin would look just plain odd with hair but my, Tenzin, what big ears you have. Lin needs something to hold onto.
I like that Lin and Tenzin take a break from overtime and make it a point to eat dinner with their children even if they have to head back out. Some of the more cynical fanfic take on Parent!Lin often has her as a complete workaholic who is awkward and has trouble connecting with her kid(s), which I don’t agree with.
I suppose this takes place a few years before “Date Night” in your continuity? I enjoy ‘em all but this might be my favorite one shot off the AU.
I also like how in your stories you have Tenzin taking his Councilman job seriously. It’s nowhere as physically demanding or emotionally draining as Lin’s but I appreciate that Lin appreciates that his job would provide him with significant stress as well.
Hearts in the eyes for Tenzin deciding to get adventurous himself at the end and for his slightly smug smile when Lin tucks her underwear into his pocket, yet he’s still so easily embarrassed and flustered when Lin teases him later.
A silly aside but this story did make me wonder what adventures the bison get up to as they wait for the whistle.
The simple sweetness of the aftermath was lovely too, just from the cuddling to Lin simply wanting to curl up in bed with her husband and fall asleep. Happily married, functional Linzin just makes me so happy, I can’t even say.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/25/2015
That was soooo HOT.
Thank you for that. ;)
demoisellecamille chapter 1 . 1/25/2015
Oh. My. God. So hot.