Reviews for A case of gangrene
Laerthel chapter 1 . 3/7/2017
I've already threw a couple of glances on your profile and works, but I didn't have the possibility to have a real look around yet. Now... I'm very glad I started. you've completely swept me off my feet with this piece alone. Considering all the kind and praiseful comments you've honoured me with... well, let's just say that seldom I have felt so humbled. (And I'm saying this from an entirely objective perspective, regardless of the fact that you had me right at the beginning, with the Shakespeare quote. It's a long story why, but Shakespeare's works "haunt" me since the very spring of my childhood, and... um, they're part of me. Even if Henry V is not my favourite of the Henrys).

Your writing style i (I hope in vain that more space between letters gives them more meaning, but really). I can count on one hand how many times I have seen such a gift with words. You should be very protective of it ;) Your style is like... something between a renaissance painting and the wildest cubist orgy one can imagine. It's wonderfully sophisticated and elaborate, yet the imagery gets sharp and rough from time to time, being just enough to blast the reader right in the chest and burn some of the images into their eye. Another wonderful gift you have is that your writing has EFFECT... one doesn't just read it, press the small red x and go on. It rests in one's thoughts, if not as an effect of the plot itself than as that of the characterisation or the strong metaphores. (I, for one, will probably see yellow Elves in my mind's eye for a couple of days still. I'm not jesting). I also like the bold metaphores and expressions you use sometimes - you have a tendency of bringing things and words together I probably never would, and that is very inspiring.

Your understanding of the characters is spectacular, and betrays sympathy and experience. When I finished this piece, I just started reading it over and over again, and I sort of began to feel intrigued by you as a person just as much as by your other writings. (I hope that doesn't sound too bold). I feel really fortunate that I found your nest of works, and it's sure that I'll return to read some more. Reading, in a way, is like... hard drugs... well, I've never tried hard drugs, so let's just say nicotine. That's the point. You just want more and more, but the effect dulls with time, and you need finer and finer material to get back to the original experience. (So thanks for making me feel the taste of reading again, I guess).

Before I get completely consumed by your writing style, let's say a few words about the actual piece in question: great characterisation. Thanks for showing Thranduil as a real ruler, experienced, earnest, advised, caring about his people... but not without his own flaws and weaknesses. And... well, there were many-many things, tiny moments, wordings, half-sentences, word connections that I have absolutely adored, I could now list them all and tell you why I loved this or that, but I guess I must also leave some space for others to comment. (And I don't like to speak TOO much).

I really do thank you for this experience, and I cannot help but marvel on your kindness and humbleness towards others. Many great authors I know are, well... completely aware of what they're capable of, and that awareness sometimes makes them disregard others. Please stay this kind and generous.

TortoisetheStoryteller chapter 1 . 9/2/2015
I love this! Finally, a story that treats Thranduil properly. Where did you get the idea for Thranduil to escape with Elwing?
My blue rose chapter 1 . 5/4/2015
Very good, nice to see canon Thranduil for once! My fav line has to be "we still die likeNoldor for a senseless cause" pure awesomeness!
AzureSkye23 chapter 1 . 4/5/2015
I know people have said it before Crackers, but you have a marvelous way with words. The beauty in the details in this piece is exquisite. Thranduil's mood is caught perfectly, that restless, haunted detachment.

The part that really steals the show, however, is the Doriath flashback. Oh goodness, somehow I missed on my first read that *Elwing was watching* the fight that was going on behind them... The poor girl. The poor, poor girl.

As always, I love the comparison of the Arkenstone to the Silmaril; and Thranduil's comment about if it has one tenth of the allure the bargain will work, if it has more, it won't. (too bad for Thranduil it has more...)

I also (though I don't know why) really love Gandalf's line that Aulë's handiwork doesn't reject anyone.

So beautiful work on this one, Crackers, and I'm sorry I'm so late in reviewing it!
Wordspin chapter 1 . 4/4/2015
Lovely piece. That father-son moment between Thranduil and Legolas was so poignant and the fear of leading men to their death was almost palpable. Legolas's asking if he would need his arrows felt both so innocent and mature, and that one line was brimming with despair and the need for a negative answer. Very nicely done.

Thranduil felt wonderfully in character: he's a resolute leader and caring for his people at the same time, wishing to avoid violence but knowing that some times nothing can be done.
Nelyo chapter 1 . 2/26/2015
There aren't many more words for it. Canon!Thranduil needs to make more appearances like this.
The characters were portrayed in a great way with amazing references spread in the writing. Loved Thranduil's asking if the Teleri must always die for stones and it's great that you know the Sindar were Teleri. Your writing style is just awesome and the language and word's you choose complement it that much more.
Great work!
WiseQueen chapter 1 . 2/5/2015
I like this very much. This Thranduil doesn't want war, but he knows that it may not be possible to avoid it. And the Arkenstone is no Silmaril, but it does still have some power, and he feels it - although a different power.
An interesting text - very well written, too. One of your best, I think!
Elf from Downunder chapter 1 . 2/1/2015
I am completely blown away. This is just so ... amazing (no, that is a word not worthy of this ...) Everything written was beautiful and dark, and the characterization of Thranduil was just perfect.
I loved reading about his flashbacks from the kinslaying in Doriath, and his interactions with Elwing. All his feelings and thoughts were very vivid and clear.

You've portrayed the Teleri wonderfully, since their suffering in the First Age to them marching to death over the gold in the mountain in the Third, I felt such sympathy for a whole people in just a few words.
'Must we Teleri always die for stones?'

I really enjoyed reading the small father-son scene with Legolas, too! And Gandalf was just in great character. :D Oh, and all the descriptions for the Arkenstone ... from gangrene to a lily in the snow.
Fantastic work! I absolutely love it; a perfect story fit for canon Thranduil! :)
Ruadhnait chapter 1 . 1/27/2015
*angry glare*


*folds arms and turns away firmly*


although seriously. SERIOUSLY, can we talk about how utterly wow this fic is. I am jealous. *continues sulking*

Okay, now that I'm done sulking/fangirling, I really, really enjoyed this. I know we've been discussing sensory descriptions lately and yours are especially memorable and effective in this fic. I mean, they always work really well, but I feel like you thought them through especially carefully here - possibly even more so than in "entropy." (Dare I say it?)

Legolas and Thranduil's interactions were so in-character (in movie verse character, at least :P), too. Well done there, especially :)

Of frakking COURSE it's perfect that Thranduil was at Doriath when it fell. I - wow. I wish I'd thought of that. Does it say somewhere in HoME or elsewhere that Thranduil was Telerin? It makes perfect sense, but I'm curious whether Tolkien said it expressly or whether that tidbit was your own idea as well :)

We discussed the similarities between the Arkenstone and the Silmarils as well, too, and I'm happy that you included them here - I especially loved the part where Thranduil expects the Arkenstone to burn him.

"We still die like Noldor for a senseless cause." Actually got chills there. So well done, as always. Crackers, I am so mad at you, and so jealous. I'm gonna have to seriously work on my writing, 'cause you are waaaay ahead of me :P
Thalion Estel chapter 1 . 1/26/2015
There are so many amazing aspects of this story that it's hard to know where to begin!

First of all, your descriptions were absolutely beautiful as well as deep and meaningful. There was a purpose to all you said, and it was all so vivid that I could see and feel everything.

I liked the comparisons a whole lot; they really added to the depth of the story. The way you wrote them, especially surrounding the Arkenstone, was beautiful. I just loved the lines about the stone being a "ball-and-chain, a broken mirror, a case of gangrene" followed by it being hailed a "lily in the snow, a pointillist's masterpiece, and a hot loaf of bread". Just wonderful!

What I think I love most about this story is the way your characterize Thranduil. He is simply perfect. He has a love for treasure, but at the same time his past makes him hate the thought of being driven to violence because of it. The flashback was great, as were the other references to the Silmarillion. They make this scene and character have a real and intense history.

Gandalf's entry and his words are very much in character, too. His counsel and comebacks are really well written; I could hear him saying his lines in my head.

Absolutely wonderful work, Crackers. Not only was it a joy to read, but its air of professionalism makes it a distinguished story, too. I loved it so much!
Elrond's Scribe chapter 1 . 1/25/2015
So, the first review I've ever posted on one of your stories, after all you've done for me. . .

So, first of all, I'm always blown away by your incredibly detailed sensory descriptions (which I should be better at doing myself?) and your ability to tread the line between memory/dream and waking life that Elves tread (especially old ones like Thranduil). Even the wind has personality! ". . .greets me with a snarl as I emerge. . ." You're brilliant!

And then there's the fact that you've ventured into the Sindarin side of the Silmarillion - those Nelyar don't get nearly enough love in fanfic for my liking. And I know you've got a soft spot for Feanorians, especially Maedhros; it was interesting to see you portray him - okay, them - from the perspective of an enemy in Doriath (". . .the cold pricks my face and numbs my nose lik an amputation. . ." like a missing right hand, maybe?). And if my king had died over a Noldorin Silmaril and my father had died in a war that wouldn't have come about if it hadn't been for Noldorin Elf-rings, I'd not be going to blows over shiny things like and Arkenstone if I could help it.

And Thingol and Luthien and Beren - did you mention them just because you know I love them? My, but don't I sound full of myself! :)

Need I mention that I also enjoy a Good!Thranduil-Canon!Thranduil fic as much as the next gal? I'm really happy that there's no Tauriel - not that I don't love seeing ellith kicking some Orc-butts, but a love affair between her and Thorin's own nephew would have been. . .

. . .I digress. Good job, Crackers!

Zillah the Scribe

P.S. I am going to try my doggone best to get something written for your birthday, if I have to put everything else I'm writing on hold for a month!
Nimloth9 chapter 1 . 1/25/2015
I love your writing! And also how you used "Teleri" instead of "Silvan" or "Sindarin". It certainly seems more fitting. :)
Galad Estel chapter 1 . 1/25/2015
This was beautiful and powerful. I love your descriptions in this. The description of Thranduil's scabbard making colors and the various takes of the Arkenstone and its doom. I love Thranduil's relationship with his sword, how he calls it a scepter, how he hates war but feels that it shows him a leader. The way that he actually feels sympathy for his Laketown allies, though he finds their clothing ridiculous.

I love the flashback to the escape of Doriath. I liked how you depicted Elwing as a frightened but still calm child, who was trying not to cry and panic.

I also love the interaction Thranduil has with the stone and with Gandalf. I especially like the line: "What’s it like to wrap your fingers round your final hope?"

I wondered why Thranduil would think the Arkenstone would burn him. Was it because the Silmarils burnt bad people, and Thranduil thinks of himself as a bad person? Thranduil seems to be comparing the two stones.
mornnenn chapter 1 . 1/25/2015
Oh. This is so beautiful.

I loved the flashback of Elwing and the Silmaril. It had such a tragic, desperate feel to it. I was particularly fond of the line. "A few more bowstrings thrummed. "We just won." " And the feel of the tunnel was just right, as was the simplicity of the description of the trees and the wind.

I was also very fond of the mentions of colours of the skin and the swords and the stone. The description of lifting the stone and seeing his hand glowing red while his bones were hazy black was beautiful and vivid. Actually, all of the descriptions of the stone were amazing. Just, all the descriptions. They were lovely and all made good sense in the story.

Oh, and I adored the line: "Mithrandir sighed like a falling star." That had so many layers to it.

"But I'll keep wearing the mask with the hopeful eyes until Mithrandir beats the smile out of shape." That line was spectacular. The characterization of Thranduil was amazing, and that line really stuck out to me.

Also, I was happy to see some of the Lay of Leithian. :)

Amazing, amazing story! I adored this one!