Reviews for Growth
Snope chapter 1 . 4/19/2016
Motherflipping Oak... you magnificent bastard, how could you do that to Terry and Lily?!

Farla's recommendation did not disappoint. You set up this really nice and cute story... and then turn Terry's big break into something terrifying and tragic. Terry's likableness and huggableness just makes it even better; he's a nice but unfortunate kid who just wants to amount to something in life.

You know the trope Nothing is Scarier? You did a pretty good job at that. We have no idea what happened to everyone that got absorbed. Did they die? Are they trapped in a pocket dimension? We never find out and it's that much more unsettling because of it.
Vicious Cabaret chapter 1 . 9/9/2015
Great story! The ending was quite satisfying as was the fic's slow descent from slice-of-life to horror. I love that Terry couldn't battle properly. In general, I also thought that the characterisation of Lily and Terry was very good and quite realistic.
ChocolateTeapot chapter 1 . 3/21/2015
This story is amazing. The characterisation was great, Terry's in particular, but all the characters felt realistic and likeable. I really loved how the trainers and the Pokémon interacted.

Terry's impression of the scientists' research was great.

Didi was very interesting.

The slow build up to the horror then made it more frightening when it started to become clear that things were very wrong, as the characters were ones I could really care about. The ending was very good.
CarpeDiemEveryday chapter 1 . 2/26/2015

Seriously, I don't have much more than that to say. I'm super blown away here. You made a cheesy B-movie monster scary. What's more, you made it CUTE. I don't know which impresses me more, to be quite honest. Didi never stops being cute even as he wreaks havoc. Your human characters all have distinct personalities. You even have a Chekhov's Gun that doesn't work as anticipated.

I am delighted to have read this. I can't say much more than that. As you may have noticed, I'm also trying to be spoilers-conscious for anyone who skims reviews before reading. But... dang. I love it.
Oliver Jasmine chapter 1 . 2/2/2015
This is so excellent, this is so sad!
Its a neat setup of a kid pressured into training. I mean, surely not every single kid wants to. Or has the stomach for it like Terry.
Mai-danishgirl chapter 1 . 2/2/2015
Well that was quite creepy.
Wonderful build-up with great characters, the small hints about Terry's relationship with his parents were nice, and Lily is wonderful. And the development of the subtle horror is amazing, the total innocence of Didi really emphasises the bleakness of the situation.
An Author's Pen chapter 1 . 1/31/2015
Well, that was incredibly creepy. It reminded me of of the pokemon movie Jirachi Wish Maker, which had this man-made Groudon which could absorb living things. I liked how Terry is concerned with all these trivialities, like how his career choice will match up to his siblings, when disaster is growing (er, literally). The ending was just great.
Farla chapter 1 . 1/30/2015
Excellent once again! It's great to see a trainer who loves his pokemon but just isn't good at the whole being a trainer thing. And after everything I've read this month, it's also really nice to have the girl in the pair be the one aiming to be champion. I love how cute Didi sounds at all times, from beginning to the very end. It seems so innocent.