Reviews for Extra-Terrestrial Jinchuuriki Mother
NazgulBelserion chapter 20 . 4/9
So Esdeath is battle horny? Not a surprise there
NazgulBelserion chapter 16 . 4/9
Haaa i bet plebs out there never realized that's Alicia and Beth from claymore I love that verse needs more love
LuBu081 chapter 1 . 2/28
The author here. My stories have been on hiatus and still are until I get new computer or hard drive and clone data over to it. I'm sorry for zero presence here but life and aging technology are hampering me. After all, I was still using the same laptop I got just before college, and it wasn't even new then. So After all 9 years, and an unknown number before I got it, I have to say goodbye to it.
Guest chapter 29 . 1/29
Guest chapter 29 . 12/27/2019
Guest chapter 29 . 11/20/2019
Update plz
Onishin Tsukitenshi chapter 28 . 9/3/2019
By the way, ignore that stupid guest. They're just a troll and probably the type of person who thinks that in order for a male character to be good, they have to be a MANLY man with MANLY hair, MANLY HUGE muscles, and more stuff that makes him look MANLY.
Onishin Tsukitenshi chapter 29 . 9/3/2019
If you're still on the site, I hope you update soon.
Guest chapter 28 . 4/5/2019
ok first I wanna say I saw your deviantart and all I have to say is first he looks like a girl second he looks like a wimp third he doesn't even look his own height fourth I'm severely disappointed cause I was honestly hoping you would give the raikage a reason to fear naruto by making him look like he could rip the raikage apart with his pinky but instead he has long hair the face of a girl the body of someone who was built to run away from a fight than to pulverized somebody's face into the ground also don't act like a petty shit and say don't tell me what to with my story or say I don't give a fuck about your opinion your just a stupid guest without an account well guess what I don't give a shit I've been reading stupid fanfics about lean or toned builts main characters and the author always emphasizes there appearance every chance he gets creepily stating nice and firm muscles and it's driving me insane is every person in this godamn WEBSIT A BUNCH OF FUCKING NERDS AND JUST WHEN I SEE A SITE AND CLICK ON IT FOR LIKE THE 50th TIME I thought the author was pretty cool he bench presses like I do and I thought the main character wasn't going to look like a pussy but then I go to your deviantart AND I SEE A FUCKING ELF LOOKING MOTHERFUCKER AND NOW I THINK I'M DONE WITH FANFIC AND ANIME FOREVER BYE YAH FUCKING WEEBEY CUNTS
Uzushiogakure chapter 29 . 3/25/2019
I see NRTO is already showing that determination and stubbornness at such a young age and poor poor BRS
N1cok chapter 2 . 3/25/2019
When I read the first I was excited. Then I read this mess. WTF. If I can expect this sort of quality from the rest then I see no reason to keep reading.
Loki chapter 29 . 3/25/2019
Absolutely incredible chapter!

Been waiting for this chapter for a long while now and boy did you not disappoint. Interesting to note that Sing might have unintentionally enslaved Naruto possibly making him so devoted to her that in the future it could become deadly for him, all she did was try to encourage him but man its going to be very interesting to see how this affects him growing up.

Once again dude, awesome chapter and really cant wait to see what happens next so good luck!
frankieu chapter 29 . 3/24/2019
nice chapter thx for writing it
Artyom-Dreizehn chapter 28 . 3/16/2019
The only thing I'm miffed about in this so awesome fic is the inconsistent measuring scale systems being used. Also sorry being a bit bias as I also use the Imperial system but not exclusively. In my Opinion, in Sci-fi setting such as this, the SI measurements is more consistent to be used as they're interchangeable, more versatile and standardized than the Imperial system when it comes to Space Faring measurements. Plasma being measured in Kelvin(you're using Fahrenheit most of the time then use this) would likely have a lower temperature, point being I know in Halo Series that those temperatures should be higher as it's 3,000 in Celsius not Kelvin. Measuring the Outer heaven in miles then measuring the other ship in SI(km and m) makes it inconsistent as I kinda always do this mental math to make miles into kilometers automatically lol.

Anyway! Thumbs up! Keep up the good work and looking forward to see the next one!
Uzushiogakure chapter 28 . 3/13/2019
Yes I'm so glad you're back. This chapter is pretty great and I am glad the Uzumaki's have started to move back home, and I really feel for those gynoids and the other A.I's and whomever will have have to clean those shuttles. I hope the rest of the Uzumaki won't make such a mess lol. Though I'm surprised their would be a male stationed on the planet though. And as for Jiraiya I don't feel sorry for him at all he deserves it hopefully that will teach him to stay away from places he doesn't belong and is not wanted, though he got some great limbs out of it so he has nothing to complain about.

I'm glad you have ego ten your computer mostly fixed and I will definitely check out those pictures. I am really looking forward to your next chapter.
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