Reviews for Gundam War Online
ThomyTmnt chapter 5 . 4/14
Continue this story please
darkfirelord6506 chapter 5 . 10/22/2019
this is great!
Dontus -not Donut- Powerus chapter 5 . 10/12/2019
Ideas for Evil Amuro (Ribbons Almark)

98th floor: Talking Reborns Gundam with a Disengageable boss pilot. Final phase would be making the gundam that delt the most damage to revert itself back to the first gundam shift, as well as the boss' own gundam also became the GN Drive version of the RX-78-2 and the two're only the ones who could kill each other

Hack the game itself and claim that he will be taking over GWO and be the God of this game with no one allowed to be leaving the game

Plans for Aeolia: Setsuna with ELS QAN [T] Fighting against Turn A Gundam and the battle of Ideals with Aeolia.
AmethystDragonEmperorXIII chapter 5 . 2/22/2019
It’s currently 2019, this STILL isn’t updated. -_-
Setsuna Rizky chapter 4 . 5/4/2018
I looooove this Chapter,especuallt when setesuna fights the boss at floor was awesome.I was imaginening the fight scene like *SWOOOOOSH!CLANG!PUW PUW*.And the point is i love&enjoy reading this Fic,KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK ME BROTHAH!
Anhilliator1 chapter 4 . 8/5/2016
Did you watch GSD? Because it h as a shooting range scene almost identical to the one in chapter 4, except with Setsuna and Feldt replacing Athrun and Mirallia.
Guest chapter 5 . 3/31/2016
Hello I'm follower whose seen your TF/GS crossover's & marvel crossover's.

I would just like to say they were great though I've grown out of your TF/GS story

I'm still following the avenging Normandy but after seeing this...

MOAR!...if that's okay with you _

a multi-crossover with all the gundam as you can place them, well like I said...

more please!
QuantumExia chapter 4 . 1/23/2016
Ok so, awesome chapter and yay Exia now has most of it's seven swords, I also wonder if you add other tech from 00 for Exia such as the GN-Arms or the Avalanche Exia Armor, or maybe even Trans-Am,

I look forward to the next chapter
Eltyr chapter 3 . 10/13/2015
Yaaaay Lockon! And cool idea with the message to the outside world, that's a neat angle.
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