Reviews for Like a Library Book
KSIJ chapter 6 . 12/30/2017
I've just read this all the way through
loved it. do you know if you will be continuing if?
Smallbell chapter 16 . 4/5/2017
Fantastic story. I totaly love it! Great plot, nice writing style and fun characters.
Crawcolady chapter 16 . 3/20/2017
Loved this one! Wish we could have a sequel to see how the team deals with "Constable Gwen Cooper"! (And yes, that's a hint! Lol!)
SuziH-J chapter 16 . 2/14/2017
Hey Aunty Lala, have just finished reading this straight through. Wonderful story and loved where you took it when it went off canon and AU. Interesting take as well on both Jack & Ianto being telepathic & everyone else hearing half conversations. Loved he addition of Pip & Lilah also.
Cyralina chapter 3 . 9/12/2016
Hey Aunty Lala,

I just finished reading your story "Like a library book" and I am really blown away. I love your portrayal of the characters and their development. I really hope that there will be a sequel. Do you know when it will be ready to be published?

Looking forward to reading more!
RoadrunnerGER chapter 16 . 8/13/2015
Having just finished reading "Like a Library Book", I thought I should drop you at least one comment on what I liked. First there’s the different dynamics not just between Jack and Ianto but also between the rest of the team and the borrowed archivist. Ianto’s taking no crap from Owen and a friendship can form between him and the medic as well as with Tosh without it being tainted by having to hide Lisa.
Though Jack is interested in Ianto from the start, he keeps his distance and allows their relationship to develop in Ianto’s pace. Of course, he’s pushing occasionally, but Jack would not be Jack if he wouldn’t flirt.
I love AUs as they give us the opportunity to explore other angles on the characters. With choosing to borrow Ianto from One before The Battle of Canary Wharf, you could play around with the team dynamics in an unburdened environment. I really enjoyed that… especially comparing it to my Doomsday verse. I had some ideas for it that I could not play out as the setting is different. Now I saw them written here, and that was real fun. :D
Oh, and I love Pip! I would’ve liked to know more about why he was so insistent on trying to win Ianto as a field agent when they were still at One (especially after learning about his issues with Hartman’s attitude). I’m looking forward to seeing more of him (not so much Gwen…) when you continue to explore this universe.
There’s just one tiny thing that kept bugging me throughout the story… why do you write “through” without the “R”? ;)
Otherwise… Well done! Thank you for sharing.
aussieflugel chapter 16 . 6/11/2015

I just read this from start to finish, and I really hope you are going to continue this universe, because this story is most definitely not finished yet!

Really enjoyed what I have read, and I am looking forward to reading more of your work.
jkl88 chapter 16 . 6/6/2015
Splendid, reading this story was just like watching several episodes of Torchwood. I could almost see and hear the characters. Really good story!
20000 WPM chapter 16 . 6/5/2015
Yep. I knew you were going to do that. No way we could not have Gwen come on board and try to rule the roost. I hope you have lots of ways to put her in her place. Starting by Jack not constantly flirting with her and Owen caring more about Tosh than getting Gwen into bed. You are planning on continuing this in another story, right?
20000 WPM chapter 14 . 6/4/2015
I hope Owen gets his act together. I like Pip and he really needs to notice Tosh.
20000 WPM chapter 13 . 6/4/2015
Getting a liaison does not sound good. I bet we are going to have to deal with Gwen after all.
20000 WPM chapter 12 . 6/4/2015
I am really enjoying your story. Love the changes that have occurred due to Ianto's early arrival. I am hoping things will continue to be different and perhaps Suzie will survive and Gwen will never join. I guess I need to read on to find out what happens.
Mickanella chapter 16 . 6/2/2015
Loved it! And fingers crossed for a continuation on the near future
cjanegray chapter 16 . 6/2/2015
I love, love, love this story, definitely the best you've done. I love 'proper' AU's that take the original premis and run with it. The freedom to explore must be as exhilarating to write as it is to read...

This is one of my favourite Jack and Ianto dynamics, the balance was spot on again in these last two chapters. Now desperately looking toward to more!
Thank you!
sd4ianto chapter 15 . 6/1/2015
So now we are getting Gwen. But the dynamic between Jack and Ianto is completely different in this story. So this is going to be fun.
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