Reviews for Leverage: The Road to Redemption
WolfhoundLove1 chapter 17 . 6/16/2019
This was an exciting story. I'd say one of not the best one I've read of yours. The twists and turns were enticing too. The other character of Doc Carrington is amazing. It's nice to see a set strong military presence in the military. My daughter was in the Air Force and it reminded me of her. When she was just an Airman she had a 3 star General in her pocket in a day. I loved reading it.
One tiny correction I noticed. Chapter 17, in the paragraph that starts with, "That shouldn't be a problem." It states they'll be going back to Oregon. Down further in the paragraph that starts with, "Antibiotics." There you say they're going back to Boston. That's it.
Thank you so very much for all the effort you've put into this work. Please keep writing.
HonestBee chapter 17 . 9/14/2017
Nice followup to Rundown, which was a great episode. Vance was an interesting character and I like how you fleshed him out, and used this as a way to build on Eliot's past.

You also did well showing the family dynamics in the team and though I thought Hardison was a bit too flighty at first, I'm glad it didn't last.
chelseacarter8 chapter 17 . 6/23/2017
I was reading this story again on my flight back home and I realized I didn't leave a review. Sorry about that cause you really deserve around of applause. I like your writing and the way you get into the characters heads is admirable.
Why Hardison was so fragile? I was mad at him sometimes.
I also like Eliot's army buddies specially Vance and Doc.
I'm still trying to figure out who can play her role ? Please describe her.! EliotDoc ? Cool
sherly'sviolin chapter 1 . 3/14/2017
I gotta say, I agree with .hagen about your characterization of Hardison. He may be a geek, but I don't think he's quite so "chicken" or "scaredy cat" as you portrayed him in this story. Eliot and Parker's portrayal is more accurate. It's not quite spot on, but I see a definite improvement over your earlier stories. You're definitely getting better at writing them as they are in the show.
I LOVE Doc Carrington! Love her so much that I have canonically added her to Leverage!verse in my brain. Vance, too. Love his, Doc's, and Eliot's partnership and friendship.
Overall, you've become one of my favorite authors and this is one of my favorite stories. I love the medical bits you add as you're really good at writing them and you sound like you actually know what you're doing. Are you actually some sort of medical professional? Hope you don't mind the long-ass review. Great job and thank you! :)
Special.agent.hagen chapter 11 . 2/4/2017
This is a really good and powerful story. Could have been
the continuation of the original rundown. But I have to
disagree on how you portrayed Hardison attitude toward Parker.I know he's a geek but I don't think he is a"ckicken"
he maybe scared of losing parker but still can be there and support her when she was stick. Make me feel bad for him
But I still like the story though. Definitely add to favorites
haldirflet chapter 1 . 1/29/2017
I've started reading these again and they're even better the second time!
Soquilii chapter 17 . 4/21/2015
Don't tell me this is the end. If so, I'm bitterly disappointed because I thoroughly enjoyed it. Loved the very believable and fascinating character of Doc. Excellent job!
ann.ryce chapter 17 . 4/18/2015
I didnt want it to end! I really wish you had put a section in there about them explaining everything to Nate, that would of been interesting! Glad I had more of your stories to read though!
snobunniex3 chapter 17 . 4/17/2015
awesome story! it had good ending and i really enjoyed the characters :)
max chapter 16 . 4/5/2015
Nice story
Soquilii chapter 16 . 4/1/2015
Poor Eliot! I know from experience what that was like. Ow.

And poor Westbrook...although it sounds like he dodged a bullet...Doc is reminding me more and more of Captain Janeway if you don't mind my saying...

Still enjoying this VERY much! How is it gonna end?! (That was rhetorical.)

Bloodskye1512 chapter 16 . 4/1/2015
I like Doctor Carrington.
athea781 chapter 16 . 3/31/2015
I love it... you always keep me wondering where you'll lead us next.
ann.ryce chapter 16 . 3/31/2015
Infected wounds, not good at all, but at least he has a great Dr. now! YES Parker is awake and well on the way to recovery! Poor little Lt. Westbrook, Doc really almost gave that boy a heart attack, lol! As always eagerly await your next chapter!
Soquilii chapter 15 . 3/29/2015
I can just hear Eliot growling that line! Love it! I knew it was a plot device; a clever one - I knew you wouldn't waste Eliot. I would have come after you. :P
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