Reviews for Anniversary Surprises
mfaerie32 chapter 1 . 7/1/2015
Yummmm Sebastian in nothing but a robe. Sigh...that's for that imagery. Lol.
yu-gi-ohlove3 chapter 1 . 3/4/2015
this is cute Ciel got Sebastian a kitty and Sebastian got Ciel his ring so kawii :3
sailorel chapter 1 . 2/7/2015

First off - before I start to ramble about anything else - I'll tell you a thing about me: I've been "working" as a critic and I've read many hundreds - not kidding - of stories and written critiques about them. I haven't done it because I would like to judge and abase other people's work, but because I want to _help_them_to_improve_. This is a thing to keep in mind when reading this review. Also, I'm not a professional and my own stories are faaar from perfect, but I personally think that if someone took the time and effort to do a critique for me just to improve my writing, I would happily accept it.

With that been said, I'll tell you this: I think this one-shot was really cute :3 I know it's hard to make Sebastian & Ciel confess their love by saying "I love you" - it's almost as unnatural as making them "completely harmless", which they're not, as we know all too well - but _you_ managed to do the confession part very smoothly and realistic!
About how to keep these guys in character... It's an impossible task when it comes to Kuroshitsuji's Sebastian and Ciel. Sebastian hardly shows any emotions at all in either the manga or anime and we never really get to take a peek inside his head. Ciel on the other hand is easier to understand, but he's almost always bored, arrogant or ignorant, which really doesn't fit cute one-shots. How can you write a fanfiction about these two _without_ breaking the character? As long as you don't make Sebastian a dog-lover and Ciel a harmless little child, you got nothing to worry about.

English is my third language and I make _a_lot_ of mistakes in my texts and I'm very aware of that. Therefore I'm not able to actually say anything about your spelling etc. I spotted a few errors here and there, BUT as I said, I'm not the right person to give you any advice concerning it. What I can say on the other hand is that one or two misspellings aren't the world and if it's bother you, I recommend you to read your stories aloud in a calm and clear voice or run them through Google Translate and listen to them with the "listen" option. (I do both and I still have a lot of errors, only time and practice can make one better to spot the faults, as cliché as it sounds.)

There's a lot of "he" and "him" in the first paragraph and I had to re-read it to understand who you talked about. If you named the "he"s or called them "the young demon", "contractor" or "raven haired man" it would probably be a little easier to follow the events.

The "Sebastian in a robe"- part where Ciel froze and only stared at his mate - it was hilarious! My brother glared annoyed at me when I laughed at my phone. I also got through a lot of fan-girl modes and my expressions probably showed them off. This is very well written and I think you nailed their relationship really good.

I think your strength is to give good insights into the characters' minds and your way of viewing them. The story is very well balanced between actual action and description & thoughts. It also has an attention catching beginning, a clear act and a beautiful ending.

The “thank you” at the end melted my heart. Congratulations; you've written an absolutely adorable SebaCiel fanfic! I could go on and on, but I think this was pretty much all the main points that actually counts. Hopefully this review has been helpful to you and please don't be angry with me for saying these things; I'm just a poor girl who has a history of far too many story critiques...

Oh, and please continue writing your awesome stories, there's no such thing as "too many" sweet fanfictions!
promocat chapter 1 . 2/7/2015
it was so sweet for ciel to give sebastian a cat(when he hates cats)both love each other so much
MTSP-t chapter 1 . 2/7/2015
This is a really well written fic! I like your writing style. So far I am new to the Kuroshitsuji fandom, but I really enjoyed this. Keep it up!