Reviews for Fitting Pieces
KusajishiFukutaicho chapter 4 . 2/3/2012
I imagine, Ayame would dote on his little nephew and shower all the love and concern he wished that he was able to do so for Yuki...*sniffle*
Tearainy chapter 4 . 9/19/2009
I hate this story! ... No I'm lieing, I love it, I just hate thaT AT THE MOMENT i'M balling my eyes out! I can barely read whast I'm typing! he, thius is really well written if it can make me cry! _ LOL please up-date again soon!
TinGirl314 chapter 4 . 5/22/2008
Gah! I told myself I wouldn't read uncompleted sotires and I did it anyway. ;.;

REALLY good story, I'm looking for the next update!
osaka-chan4 chapter 2 . 3/24/2008
Lovely...and sad! :( Keep up the good work!
loretta537 chapter 4 . 8/28/2007
Oh this is so good, i couldnt stop crying. What will everyone's reactions be to Tohru having Yuki's baby? What will happen when she speaks to Akito? Will the baby be cursed and if so will it be a boy that Aya, and the other zodiacs can hold but tohru cant or will it be a girl that tohru can hold but the zodiac men cant including uncle aya? Please keep writing.
Majorcrush chapter 4 . 4/22/2007
Joni Da Pony chapter 4 . 2/17/2007
great. that tornado had to hit your house right then. ;.; i want to know what happens soon! this is extremely well written(well, all your stories are...) and i'm looking foreword to reading more of this. please update as soon as you can! _
Angry Girl chapter 4 . 12/30/2006
That was an evil place to stop seriously! sigh lol I really like this so sad about Yuki tho.. and the chances that this will be the mouse are very high I wonder if Tohru will be right tho and the baby will be a boy?
deadlykitty chapter 4 . 6/26/2006
She wants to meet with Akito? I really hope that doesn't end up being a bad idea. Great story, update when you can!
Maria Gv chapter 4 . 6/12/2006
Heh… dark… worrisome. But fabulous description of events, emotions, surroundings… etc! Yuki ain’t a fav. character but the fic makes on feel the lost everyone else is feeling. Hatori’s view of everything is heart breaking, especially since he’s full of blame. Like Tohru was. And Ayame feeling the guilt over something both men are not responsible for, well not as much as they are choking themselves over. Which is also painful. Both guys are great. Well hopefully you’ll finish. I’m intrigued to see an outcome – especially with Akito.
kim chapter 4 . 10/7/2005
You really stopped at the worst possible time. will you ever continue this story. i hope you do because i really like it. ( i already read this first four parts like three times.)

i'll be waiting

love Kim
BobbyJustGotSheared chapter 4 . 6/5/2005
This is so great! I love it! Please update it!

-The Neko Kami of the Fruit Loops
Nightfall2525 chapter 4 . 3/23/2005
so in the end this will be a Ayame/Tohru story? Is Tohru going to tell Akito she is caring Yuki's babby?
FoxKaiya chapter 4 . 8/2/2004
_ This is very good. PLEASE make a new chappy! It's awesome(ly) sad! But amazing! And now getting happy! (Joy!) Ok, thanks and great job!

akuma-river chapter 4 . 7/23/2004
Wow. Interesting. Nice, sad, depressing, but hopeful. Keep up the good work.
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