Reviews for Twisted
Eric Drip chapter 8 . 4/7
Hmm its certainly something, a zutara turn would be pretty intresting. But its your fic
Guest chapter 8 . 8/3/2017
it really great
Yeticrab chapter 8 . 1/13/2017
I'm really excited about this story!
Moonlilystarlight chapter 8 . 8/15/2016
This is brilliant! I really love seeing this other side to katata and i cant wait for her to meet the gaang, is toph going to be in this and will she see azula again? This is a great story, cant wait for the next chapter!
The Wolf That Waits chapter 8 . 6/29/2016
I really like your story so far, I hope you update soon! Is Katara going to join Team Avatar quickly, or is she going to be more like cannon Zuko? I hope it's quickly, but nobody really trusts anyone fully for a while, but that's just me.
ObeliskX chapter 8 . 6/28/2016
Wow, very interesting AU. I like how positions of characters are swapped yet they retain some of familiar personalities. Guess Katara could have more positive inflluence on Azula... if only she stayed for longer. Would be really amusing to see how she hunts Avatar... or captures Zuko)
DuskPuffin chapter 8 . 6/26/2016
Another wonderful chapter
ninj0queen chapter 7 . 5/18/2016
This is awesome, please post soon! Can u also tell me how old everyone is in this?
Swiftlet in the Cloud chapter 7 . 3/10/2016
Great story so far. I love the relationship and dynamics btw Sokka and Zuko. Also, no love triangle please! That stuff gets old and annoying. If you want to create a conflict between them and have a problem for how and why Zuko and Katara can't be together right away, don't just shove another person in there as an obstacle. You can explore their thoughts and feelings on their situations. ie Katara having the relationship with Ursa that Zuko lost and vice versa, Zuko taking Katara's place in her family, the relationship he has with HER brother, father, uncle, and gran-gran. Maybe that might cause some resentments or jealousy on both side when they meet or even just explore the fact that they are on opposite of the war as an obstacle to their love story. That way, they could learn from each other and build a closer relationship in the future/understand one another more for their bond to be even stronger. In short, just don't have a love triangle be the main obstacle of their relationship.
Anyway, great chapter. Love the camaraderie between Zuko and Sokka in this chapter. I also thought it was a good twist that Danho still hated Zuko even after he saved his life. I was so sure that their duo turned into a trio after Zuko saved him. I was surprised it didn't go that way and was pleased by the surprise. Good job.
Shonashee chapter 7 . 3/2/2016
Great chapter, the plot's really heating up now. (heating up, geddit?) I like how the characters are aged up a bit. Definitely adds a mature element.

As for a love triangle? I think it's best to just not. OC's and relationships with canon characters usually don't end up written well. It becomes too distorted and out of character for the canon person. And love triangles are honestly unnecessary drama. In the end, it's your choice, though, so do what you think would be best for the story.
Liooness chapter 7 . 2/28/2016
I like the story so far and the relationships, as well as the brainwashing that Katara has been undergoing. Is there a particular reason Aang, Zuko and Sokka left the tribe? the Gaang left originally to get Aang back home and because Zuko was attacking. Just curious. good work so far :)
Longclaw 1-6 chapter 7 . 2/28/2016
Now things are getting good. The twist is awesome!
I'd like a love triangle but it should be with canon characters :)
Agni chapter 7 . 2/27/2016
Love this story!
EJean chapter 3 . 2/27/2016
I think they had southern watertribe in tent-y thingy-ma-bobs because they lived on ice. And even on the poles ice melts. They would have needed to move with the seasons. and maybe with the fire nation raids.
But the cabins are WAY cool!
Totally Spazz-tastic chapter 7 . 2/27/2016
Only if the love triangle doesn't include Zukka. I really don't like that pairing.
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