Reviews for The Gardener's Son
Luumus chapter 3 . 9/4/2017
This is very well written. But while it's an AU we should still recognize the characters' main traits and I see nothing of Tom so far. The way you wrote him, he could have just as easily been a John, a Richard or a Henry. Where's his unmatched ambition? He prefers to garden for a living instead of going to the prestigious Cambridge Uni. Where's his prodigious intelligence? He readily admits that " the city is too complicated for him". Where is Tom Riddle's arrogance when he says he can't keep up with Hermione? Where is his darkness? His sadistic and manipulative streak? So far, not only there's none of those key characteristics, he pretty much being opposite of who Tom Riddle is. Obviously we could expect some differences to his personality given the difference in his childhood compared to canon. But nurture never 100% erases nature. And so far he is unrecognizable.

I hope I wasn't too harsh, but characterization is the most important thing in fanfiction in my opinion. And in this case I think that your story would benefit greatly from some reflection (and perhaps some changes) on Tom and to a lesser extent Hermione's characterization.

Best of luck
Guest chapter 5 . 1/1/2016
I just have to say that I absolutely adore tis story! The raw attraction, the possessiveness, the hint at something more sinister.. This may very well be my favorite Tomione fic, so I sincerely hope you'll be updating soon!
Guest chapter 5 . 12/30/2015
whoah this is great
nostalgiakills chapter 5 . 9/9/2015
This is an interesting story idea. I hope you keep it up.
cocoartist chapter 5 . 5/25/2015
I'm super intrigued - I loved how you've already made this beautiful and creepy but in like this dreamy Daphne du Maurier-esque way.
AnnaOxford chapter 5 . 4/12/2015
I'm feeling more at ease, after reading your author's note. It's not that I want Tom to be a megalomaniac dictator, but I just like his character very much and I'm glad you will a darker and more captivating side of him soon.
AnnaOxford chapter 4 . 4/12/2015
Euh... I kinda like it, but then neither Tom nor Hermione are what I'm used to. They both only kept their physique and some of their intellect. Tom didn't even like university and prefers to garden. I don't recognise him at all. Hermione would be okay, if she didn't react so hysterically to the thunderstorm. She doesn't seem to have gone through any kind of trauma that would cause that level of distress and if she's that afraid it doesn't seem in character for her to not have researched any way for her to calm herself down during a thunderstorm. And then she's calling for Tom while she only spent a day with him after a 15 years long absence? For god's sake, Hermione is afraid of heights and she still managed to fly on Buckbeak, a Thestral and a broom when she needed to. This damsel in distress act is very disappointing. The story sounds very romantic and I actually like these kind of love stories, but with this pairing I always expect some awesomeness and darkness; not two annoyingly lovey dopey teenagers. The quality of the writing is actually very good and I'm sorry if I'm being harsh, the story looks promising. It's just that these characters are so much more interesting and I hope you will make use of their incredible intellect and passion and not just make them dance around each other for the duration of the fic.
AnnaOxford chapter 3 . 4/12/2015
The chapters are pretty short, which makes the ending seem a bit abrupt. Enjoying it so far though, liked the Gryffindor wink.
AnnaOxford chapter 2 . 4/12/2015
AnnaOxford chapter 1 . 4/12/2015
Interesting first chapter, not sure why you chose marine biology as her passion though. I'm afraid Hermione will not be anything like her Hogwarts counterpart, but I hope I'm very wrong and that I will enjoy this as a Harry Potter fanfiction and not just some original work with vaguely familiar characters.
ItsNatalie chapter 5 . 4/6/2015
i love this take on tomione! looking forward to reading this story
Guest chapter 5 . 4/3/2015
Awesome! Liked the appearance of Mr. Riddle at the end. I'm also curious to see what you have planned for Tom's character re : your author's note. :)
Guest chapter 4 . 2/19/2015
Awwww. :)
Guest chapter 4 . 2/19/2015
I loved this. Man, this was perfect, and I love this pairing – I'm glad there isn't an issue with the Mudblood stuff, y'know? I dislike that word. Anyway good job. Hope you'll update soon!
Guest chapter 3 . 2/17/2015
Aww. :) Great work!
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