Reviews for Fifty Shades Of Not My Usual Ships
excessivelyperky chapter 44 . 8/29/2019
Blazing? "He rode a blazing saddle..."
excessivelyperky chapter 38 . 8/26/2019
Ah, it sounds like Tom Riddle has a new toy, and the old one isn't happy about it.
excessivelyperky chapter 37 . 8/26/2019
This is not going to turn out well for either Tom or Harry...and possibly not for the DEs, because people will be afraid to interrupt their Lord at his play.
excessivelyperky chapter 35 . 8/26/2019
Oh, I love this. I can definitely see the Carrows being sloppy enough to leave permanent effects even on purebloods, too.

Astoria is a lovely woman, and I am glad that she is surrounded by love.
excessivelyperky chapter 23 . 6/13/2019
Ha, I love this. You know those two would enjoy picking out the duplicates when they merge their book collections.
excessivelyperky chapter 18 . 4/29/2019
Snort, giggle. Coming off the Battle for Winterfell last night, and remembering what Sansa said to Tyrion...
iburnwithfire chapter 11 . 9/22/2016
This is absolutely adorable! So sweet. I would love to read more of this
Firediva0 chapter 37 . 2/3/2016
Hey, you cheated! It wasn't consensual! :( Where's all of my HPLV fluff? *pouts*
Well, I guess it's okay... I love you even more for doing it! :)
This was utterly amazing! I love HPLV to an almost scary extent and the fact that you wrote this made me so happy! It's was awesome and I just know that I'm going to come back to read this once more in the future.

Thanks for the awesome story,
CUtopia chapter 26 . 11/23/2015
Haha, it was a funny picture, Draco holding up all these ugly sweaters and wearing a crazy glittery hairclip... I loved the humour in here, you worked well with the prompts and Draco and Daphne were sweet! Well done!
Dragonsrule18 chapter 23 . 10/14/2015
These are great!
accioweasleys4 chapter 12 . 8/26/2015
This chapter had me grinning... Charlie and Draco are so cute! :D
bronc chapter 9 . 6/28/2015
This is a cute pairing! I actually adore it c:

It's so sweet that Charlie will pull a prank just to get to sit with Tonks in detention. Your spelling and grammar is flawless, as always.

The descriptions are a little ... absent in this chapter? The dialogue is very, very cute and the romance is very, very, very cute.

You don't have to write something totally and completely heartwrenching to help somebody feel something. I like that. It's the little things of romance that make me feel happiness. I don't have to cry to be moved by this. It makes it great.
Great job :)
bronc chapter 8 . 6/28/2015
So now you've gone and paired Seamus with somebody else, too? :P
Their romance is one of my favorites so far. It's easy and smooth to read. I don't see any real grammar issues.
The last paragraph is nice the. The descriptions here are /really/ great and you're very talented. Some of your best is from writing this little mix between fluff and sweetness that I can't describe as fluff. It's very good.
My only issue with this is that I really don't understand what's going on? It's a little bit unnecessarily confusing. It's sweet, and I like the idea of them to have to be quiet, but it's just a little bit confusing.
Great job on this! Definitely my favorite!
bronc chapter 7 . 6/28/2015
Again, I'm not hugely familiar with these characters.
The romance here is really really really cute. They have the kind of flirtiness that I came here looking for.
I think it's a little odd how you mentioned there house colors in the first paragraph - it was meant to show a little bit of forbiddenness, but it kind of came off as tacky and forced, in my opinion.
The forbiddenness is still present, though not as much as it was in your FredII/Louis. It's better integrated as a theme, but not as obvious.
They're so cute, oh my gosh. The cuteness really shines through with certain ships rather than others, so it's interesting to see which you're more comfortable with. Good job on this one :)
bronc chapter 6 . 6/28/2015
I would change the rating to a K* or a T because of incest and implied sex at this point.

The descriptions become a lot more vivid again in this chapter, and there's no dialogue, which is just a little bit refreshing.

It was a really good call for them to /know/ that it's wrong, that they /know/ they can't love each other. This is a different forbidden love than as is typical.

I don't know a lot about Louis, but the Fred II characterization seems just a little bit off to me.

Otherwise, this is one of the best in this collection :)
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