Reviews for Hiccup the Useless
Writeratheart92 chapter 9 . 6/28
You really have done the impossible here, I ship hiccup and astrid like crazy but I ACTUALLY like him better with Heather. Well done!
Guest chapter 9 . 6/5
Not to be rude or a thing but I find hiccup and heather being toga there kinda gross cause they tire out to be related in the series
TheDeathlyRider2287 chapter 3 . 2/12
This story actually made me cry! Still a great fanfic though
ThermiteHawk chapter 6 . 8/19/2019
I like angry hiccup. I have plans to do a watching the movie fanfic that starts when hiccup is packing up in the cove before Astrid stops them and I plan to make it as angry and vengeful as makes sense without going too far overboard for hiccups character.
Brave She-Elf chapter 6 . 8/18/2019
The author should have made it that Hiccup decided to leave Berk after his fight with Astrid. Then in a few years time he returns to warn them about Drago Bludfist, with an army of dragons declaring him and Toothless their king, and a girl he had fallen in love with during his travels, and married, much to Astrid's shock. Stoick realizes how much his son has changed and desperately wants to earn his forgiveness, but Hiccup still isn't ready to give it to him so readily this time, telling him if he prepares for battle against Drago Bludfist, then perhaps he will consider it.
The others could see how neutral and stoic he is towards them, and decide to stay clear from him. Snotlout, however, would not since he was deemed the new chief heir since Hiccup had left and considers him a possible threat to his status.
In the end Hiccup would have still left with the dragons when he defeats Drago Bludfist in sword combat during battle. He tells Stoic he will still consider whether or not he can forgive him for his sins and takes off with his wife. Several years later he returns with two children, a son and a daughter who is eager to meet their grandpa. Hiccup allows it because he finally learned to forgive him.
Samo28 chapter 4 . 7/9/2019
Congrats Stoick and Berk, you got what you wanted. You broke Hiccup. Are you heppy you fucking idiots?! Looking forward to reading the rest of this emotional gutpuncher.
PrinRue chapter 16 . 5/28/2019
Wow. Just... Just wow. That was incredibly well written! I went through all the feels in my binge reading session (lol). The outbursts were natural, the pain palpable, the drama real. I really loved Heather's inclusion, jsyk ;)
Berk screwed up. Bad. But Hiccup truly did need to learn to put it behind himself just as much as everyone else. And that's a very important lesson to learn.
(Btw, the battle was amazing!)
I won't be putting it in my favorites, only for the subject matter, but just know that even without that favoriting, it's still an absolutely amazing story and I really loved all of it!
Silver Sentinel chapter 17 . 5/13/2019
My God this story was amazing! I'm new to HTTYD fanfiction and this one just caught my eye. I don't know why but I love the stories where Hiccup is wrongly victimized. You really had me guessing what Stoick was planning, and you did a good job playing at the reader's emotions, this was well written. I'm just sad that it ended.
Yuri Namikaze1 chapter 17 . 5/12/2019
Loved the story, and I loved hearing Toothless’s POV. It almost makes me wish he could talk all the time lol.
vickivic chapter 6 . 4/11/2019
And I really like reading angry hiccup
tahliahliahlia chapter 17 . 3/27/2019
I really loved this. All of it. I'm too tired to type a review at the moment, but I'll PM you later!
hiccuptheuseful chapter 15 . 3/2/2019

fghgfgfv honestly I really thought I'd dropped a comment here before under my other account, but I can't find it anywhere, so I guess not? (I didn't want to bug you by commenting twice. Also, this fic is long over, so you're probably never going to see this comment but. whatever. it's not nice to enjoy something someone created without telling them you enjoyed it so.)

ANYWAY gosh these character portrayals were just SO GOOD. You made some seriously bold decisions - e.g. Hiccup's suicide attempt, Stoick's plan in the first place - but they worked so well in the circumstances, I honestly didn't even bat an eye. Of course Stoick would do anything to keep his son safe, even make the longest string of bad decisions ever, and of course Hiccup would lose his absolute mind if Toothless was taken from him.

And you showed the thought process so WELL! I really loved how much we can understand and empathize with where Stoick is coming from, even if we don't agree with it. You just made him so sympathetic, in spite of everything, and I LOVE that.

o o f also your whump is? so good? Hiccup whump is where it's AT, and you do it SO WELL, my man. It's really fun to see the slow progression of his isolation and hopelessness and misery, because Hiccup really is one of those characters that just keeps getting back up again. So to see him give up is heart-wrenching.

And you? let Hiccup? continue to be mad? at everyone? is it my birthday? I just UGH I mean don't get me wrong, I do love that Hiccup is such a forgiving, loving sort of hero, I love that he's led by his heart over anything else, but it does get a bit exhausting sometimes, to watch him bury the hatchet over and over and over again. Like Hiccup! Man! Hold a grudge! just because they say sorry doesn't mean YOU have to forgive! doesn't mean you have to ignore what they did to you or pretend it never happened! so yes, I'm over the MOON that you let him feel some real fury over what happened, you let him hate, you let him be bitter, you let him hold a grudge. And I think it makes a lot of sense that he WOULD, in these circumstances.

And I love that you continued after the visit from Mogadon? A lot of people would have let that be the end of it, but you didn't, and the story is so much stronger for that. I LOVE that you let Hiccup have a hard time forgiving, because even after the initial flames of his anger have cooled, he is never going to be able to look at his people the same way again, after what they did to him. This isn't something that's ever going to go away. And I'm so glad you acknowledged that, and you let that be a thing! And I'm so awed by the way you handled the village's treatment of Hiccup AFTER the visit - seeing them all swing from one damaging extreme to the other is honestly so amazing, and your narrative plays it BEAUTIFULLY. And Heather providing the voice of reason, Heather providing the thing Hiccup could cling to at this time in his life, that was brilliant.

this comment is FAR too long as is, and as I said before, it's not likely you're even going to see it considering how fucking old this fic is. Anyway.

Thanks for such a great read! am in AWE teach me your WAYS
Oleonetta chapter 17 . 12/17/2018
I really loved this story, it was detailed and well written XD I loved the darker more emotional side of HTTYD xxx thanks for a great story.
Thekawaiipuppy chapter 17 . 11/28/2018
so cute! this was well done!
Shelly Torres Skyssa chapter 17 . 9/18/2018
Dragon nip?!
Stup*d Stoick.
Love the Toothless' Point of View, btw.
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