Reviews for No Matter What
Luna chapter 1 . 8/3/2017
I wish people were really that accepting in real life...
Mycroft-mione chapter 1 . 3/8/2015
Aw! That made me so sad, and so touched at the same time.
I wish real life was always that way, where everyone is acceptant... well, not phobic! Or judgmental! Or thinking that sexuality matters! Because wake up, people, it doesn't. Just because one gender likes the same gender, or one gender likes the other doesn't mean a thing, it's personal choice/expression! It's not people's business to go messing around with others because they "don't like their lifestyle." Ugh.
Sorry about the rant. I had to get that out, and I'm glad you gave me a place to vent. Okay, back to your STORY!
The Percy and Ron characterizations were wonderful, and the story was spot-on as hurt/comfort. I loved having the element of surprise, not knowing what Ron was upset about while knowing it was something important. No mistakes, well written and an enjoyable read (although it made my heart throb)! Thanks.
PerSonNee chapter 1 . 2/28/2015
LuresaSWTOR chapter 1 . 2/22/2015
Now that's the way real life should be all the time, accepting. Nicely done and well written.