Reviews for A Father's Lament
Mystearica 'Primal' Fende chapter 1 . 2/26/2015
Damn heck, that wasn't just awesome, that was the best! It was about to bring tears in my eyes, but that didn't happen because my eyes were already sore from something else (not gonna tell you, tumak nokom).

For a first-time try, you did very impressive.
BladedBlossom chapter 1 . 2/25/2015
I haven't read the fic this is based on yet, but it sounds heartbreaking. I love seeing Splinter's softer side and I've never doubted that he loves those turtles as his children as well as his students. And if there's Leo and Mikey fluff in that story, it's certainly tempting.

I enjoyed this piece and I think I'll read your other fic one day, when I think I can tolerate the angst. I just need to be in a certain mood for that kind of tragedy.