Reviews for Stakes
L28rodrigues chapter 14 . 5/29
great fanfic, congratulations.
I liked very much.
Guest chapter 8 . 3/24
Omg is that ending from the Carmen Habanera?!
Ezio1-3 chapter 14 . 1/13/2019
Please continue this! I neef to see it through! I love this story! PLEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSEEEEEE!
Guest chapter 14 . 9/16/2018
After all of this I can only imagine that life in any lands is never boring with their gods xD. Really loved that chase scene and how it displays their powers shown in the movie. That entire scene towards the end with the two of them realizing was so cute. It’s amazing all around and I can’t wait to see what things they deal with next!
notsofantasticbeast chapter 14 . 9/2/2018
I love this so much! I just finished a reread and now I’m super interested again. Such a great story
QueenWhiteDiamond chapter 14 . 4/4/2018
Please write more i Really like it. Its a Great story
Starkvb chapter 14 . 1/22/2018
Super good! Update soon!
Guest chapter 14 . 1/21/2018
I LOVED IT! This was definitely worth the wait!
brooklyn1shay2black3 chapter 14 . 1/20/2018
I think I died when he found out he won the wager. How childish, how petty, how spectacularly in character. I'm living for this.
mystykldrack chapter 14 . 1/20/2018
Revives mi amor por éste ship. Y hasta creo que empiezo a shippear a La Noche y El Chamuco XD. Gracias por seguir escribiendo ésta hermosa historia. Neta.
coolbluerays chapter 14 . 1/20/2018
God dammit Xibalba for indulging yourself in wine and woman. Why do I even like you again.

I think you did a good job showing La Muerte's struggle with coming to terms that she loved the ball of tar, and I like that she has a very real fear that Xibalba of all people can hurt her, which is a real part of falling in love with a person. Being able to trust them to not hurt you.

As for Xibalba, he was a depressed who drank too much and got too friendly with other women. What they both did was both VERY unhealthy and Candlemaker is just like "How the fuck aren't you dead yet."

The chasing scene was very childish on both their parts, but a very cool power of theirs I miss from the movie.

Of course La Noche's servants would be holding bets on when La Noche will kick El Chamuco out like some mangy dog. Also I do think it's interesting for El Chamuco to be somewhat upset that he isn't like La Muerte, because he isn't as kind or loving as she is? It seemed like he may have been anyway.

I like that they kind of mellow their way into liking each other and not in telenovela style (lookingatyouLaMuerteandXibalbagoddammit).

You're doing great things with the fic! Keep it up! Everyone appreciate this lady for keeping tbol in high quality taste
Guest chapter 14 . 1/19/2018
Hi, just wanted to let you know there’s a reader still here haha! I still smile whenever I get update emails, so thanks for continuing to work on this story!
Dinogaby chapter 14 . 1/19/2018
Hi there CC! So i had started reading this fic a looong time ago when you were first publishing the first couple chapters... and if i must confess, i did stop reading it for a while... although i kept getting the notifications in my email. So i saw the notification for this chapter and i really just went ahead and read it. Gah! I had forgotten how awesomely glorious is your portrayal of Xibalba and La Muerte. I really love all the tension and angst you put in them! Now i really think i need to go back and start reading again from the beginning! I really loved the kiss! Thanks for sharing the Gravepainters love with us! :)
zabchan chapter 14 . 1/19/2018
Ahhh this chapter was great! Amazing! I couldnt put it down! I was squeeeing so loud at the chamoche bits! They provide such a great foil to gravepainters, and i ADORE how you framed their narrative with the wagers and opinions of her servants. I felt such a kinship with that water nymph, wanting so badly to hear the good gossip! And you communicated la noches mixed feelings towards him beautifully. I especially loved the line about wanting chamuco around because he had a tasty piece of gossip about la muerte XDDDDD

and the chase scene was dramatic but well based and youre right, the angst suits them so well its impossible for them not to be a telenovela
GodlyJewel chapter 13 . 2/20/2017
Ooo! Been a while since I saw this piece. Almost forgot how much fun it is to read. And as much as I enjoyed the cuteness of La Muerta and Xibalba (and will throughly be looking forward to that conversation later on), I think whatever is starting to happen with La Noche and Chamuco. That looks like it's gonna be a whole lot of fun!
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