Reviews for Ash's romantic encounters!
Guest chapter 12 . 4/9
yOu ShOuLdn'T kNoW aBoUt ThAt StUfF eiThEr AsH
Anime Lover chapter 12 . 8/14/2019
Fucking awesome
Weirdo chapter 19 . 7/31/2019
Do ash and Lisa or ash and korrina
Megalon 61 chapter 19 . 5/10/2019
Please have miette Shauna aria vierty zinna ( from Pokemon Omega ruby and alpha sapphire games) and lisia(from Pokemon Omega ruby and alpha sapphire Pokemon games) have their own chapters with ash please
Sick chapter 12 . 3/23/2019
Guest chapter 19 . 7/15/2018
Here's a list of girls who should have a chapter with ash Rosa viola korrina Shauna miette dawn may misty Zoey Ursula lyra bianca johto melody Giselle gerogia iris Lille Mallow many Whitney Skyla Jasmine Candice. And Roxanne (hoenn gym leader)
jbadillodavila chapter 1 . 7/16/2018
genial :)
UltimateCCC chapter 19 . 7/15/2018
Time to get started!
Sage of the Azure Phoenix chapter 18 . 7/7/2018
Great work. Please get to Jupiter, Shauna (Hoenn),and an older Natalie.
lucienhalf58 chapter 18 . 1/8/2018
Hope you're doing well and taking easy! never lose your passion for doing what you love most whether it's fanfiction or life itself as you are a great author/writer with potenial.
Guest chapter 18 . 12/30/2017
I've noticed Ash does not age in these. Wouldn't he age depending on region?
Still fun to read
Guest chapter 1 . 12/29/2017
I have some suggestions for who ash should have his own chapter with Mallow Lille Lana dawn misty may Whitney lyra Ursula miette Shauna (kalos region) Jasmine melody (Pokemon 2000 movie) melody (Pokemon Heroes movie) Lilly Daisy and Violet (mistys sisters) moon(Pokemon sun and moon games) and Georgia(unova)
Alex2909 chapter 18 . 12/30/2017
welcome back
UltimateCCC chapter 18 . 12/30/2017
And this is only the 1st of 5 parts?!
lucienhalf58 chapter 18 . 12/29/2017
I've been reading this for awhile ever since I came across this sometime ago way back and I'll adimt it's decent .. at the beginning Ash was like he was in anime soft spoken when around girls/women but then he got bold enough to engage in intimacy with said girls/women.

The female characters themselves are a decent pick up until Cassidy which is great in all as she was the first to dominate him but then it's ol' topsy turvy switcheroo cause was the one to dominate her in return, somehow I get the feeling that these two in a future chapter that they're gonna be in a relationship of some kind where they each take turns being dominate to the other .. at that's what I think, but good chapter.

Futher more it was completely understandable for you to suffer what every other Author goes through i.e. writers block which is every Author's worse enemy but worry not cause back then up until Caroline I silently gave you my support to take a leave of absence from your stories and go on hiatus as it gave you the chance to revitalize your motivational drive as an fanfic Author, but it's good to see you make a comeback.
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