Reviews for Nailpolish
xMousex chapter 1 . 3/30/2016
I. Am. In. Love. This was perfect. I loved it so much, and it's weird because nail polish of all things..xD Poor Nami. It's good to know that she has such good friends, people who care about her Thank you for writing this story!
Thisaccountmustbedelted chapter 1 . 5/16/2015
I really want to draw this. I'm going to try. I'll send you a picture if I ever get to finishing it.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/11/2015
Oh my god that was perfect 3 I loved everything about it! The characters were all in character, and you managed to capture them so, so well. I'm not sure exactly why that is so great, but it fits in with One Piece so well.
Awsme Grl chapter 1 . 3/1/2015
This fanfic was preciously done. Maga cute and one of a kind. Nail polish is the most random thing when it comes to One Piece but I love your creativity. I'm adding this to my favourites.

Awsme Grl :3
pikachubird chapter 1 . 3/1/2015
I LOOOVE THIS! The Strawhats' friendship is so beautiful and precious. And the way you describe it with simple nail-painting circle is just lovely. Asjdhfhdksj this story is soo cute and gives me soo many feeels :DD

(Btw that's my tumblr username, sorry I don't have ffnet account)