Reviews for Art Appreciation
Fire The Canon chapter 5 . 3/8/2015
This was an interesting chapter, and very lovely, written in first person. And quite confronting too, that a portrait has thoughts and feelings O.o Great work!
Fire The Canon chapter 4 . 3/8/2015
Again, that fine ending. It just leaves questions and me wanting more. You are just amazing. That's all I can say.

I loved the conversation here, and I dunno. Phineas just sounded very portrait like in this, if that makes sense. I guess the Phineas from the books.

Lovely job!
Fire The Canon chapter 3 . 3/8/2015
Why do you keep ending each drabble in fab ways? I mean... all three have just had amazing endings. I loved this, too, because we all know what happened to Regulus. I also loved grumpy!Phineas. "Kids these days..." haha
Fire The Canon chapter 2 . 3/8/2015
Haha, I loved this, as it's so different and the way you interpreted the prompt was so original. Actually the whole thing is original because portrait!Phineas. I just love it. Well done.
Fire The Canon chapter 1 . 3/8/2015
That last line, damn. That last line. This was really said because portrait!Phineas and living!Ursula. Dammit, why? (And the fact that all three of you wrote this pairing for romantic, and all of you wrote it with completely different interpretations amazes me)

I loved this!
HermyLuna2 chapter 5 . 3/4/2015
Oh, poor Phineas! I don't really think it works that way though - I think the paintings are merely "imprinted" with a person's personality (rather like the Marauder's Map) but this idea is heartbreaking.
HermyLuna2 chapter 4 . 3/4/2015
This so sad and funny! Well done...very true to the books.
HermyLuna2 chapter 3 . 3/4/2015
Haha, you do a great job making Phineas an unintentional caricature of himself, but a likeable one nonetheless. I can see this as having happened, it could have been written by JK Rowling.
HermyLuna2 chapter 2 . 3/4/2015
Haha, the only problem is Sirius doesn't care about Walburga's opinion either!
HermyLuna2 chapter 1 . 3/4/2015
Aww, nice to see Phineas having a love-life too. The last sentence was so bittersweet.
MoonyLilyPadfootProngs chapter 5 . 3/2/2015
This was so good. ;D

Short but so impactful.
duj chapter 4 . 3/2/2015
I'm sure Dumbledore's comment applied to himself, not to Snape. Slytherins do whatever it takes "to achieve their ends." Sometimes that means sacrificing themselves. The difference is that Gryffindors do it for the glory. Slytherins do it because it's necessary.
alyssialui chapter 4 . 3/1/2015
I liked this one as well, featuring Snape's tough life and decision. Poor Snape.
alyssialui chapter 2 . 3/1/2015
I never thought of this possibility, of Phineas being a rat and being Walburga's listening ear. Poor Sirius.