Reviews for Metamorphose
Isahh chapter 5 . 7/30
I keep coming back here because I wish it was canon. All I can do is read over and over again and foolishly hope they had made this in the show. And imagine all the unwritten scenes on the lives of this perfect little family.
Isahh chapter 5 . 7/30
Every time I read this story, I fall a bit more in love with it. I love its climax and how both revelations unfold. I adore this last chapter. Thank you so much for sharing it!
Guest chapter 5 . 7/10
The story is too short
broken5pieces chapter 5 . 5/5
There are actual tears in my eyes. What a beautiful story
Crystalzap chapter 5 . 10/8/2018
this is such a wonderful story, I loved it so much that even though I knew I had read it before I had to read it again when I saw it and out of the thousands of stories I've read I done that with less than five. You wrote the emotions and plot so well, and I loved that Morgana was brought back I used to love her character.
RapidWaters chapter 5 . 3/30/2018
I absolutely love how you wrote Merlin in this! And the scene in the crypts was so perfect!
celticwitch77 chapter 5 . 11/13/2017
I loved the story. I hope you finish it.
CaitiAthena chapter 1 . 7/22/2017
i love this fanfic so much I know that you said that you don't read Mpreg's or wright them, but I would like to see more, because for this being your first Mpreg, it was written like there were a thousand Mpreg storys behind it.
Stjarnfrukt chapter 5 . 1/18/2017
hi wow thank you for this! I normally really don't like Mpreg but decided to read this anyway and Im glad I did! you actually managed to make it enjoyable. I like how Merlin reacted when he found out, so far from the all accepting, lovey dovey, muchy discustingly sweet and happy reaction that plaig all Mpreg fics. And you didn't boore (me) with long descriptions of the acctual pregnancy. The story and plot was great and I LOVE how you wrapped it up with Morgana and The REVEAL! was one of the best I have read! thank you!
The Universal Saviour chapter 5 . 12/14/2016
I'm not normally the kind of person to read a mpreg pic but this one's really good!
Guest chapter 5 . 7/10/2016
Sierra.Maggie.Hale chapter 5 . 9/4/2015
I love it please update soon.
Dream's Abyss chapter 5 . 5/23/2015
You managed to do the mpreg in a non-painful way, and managed to make it relatively painless.
Sarah chapter 5 . 4/17/2015
Whatever its subject matter, this is still a good tale as are all your works.
LucyAnaliz chapter 5 . 3/25/2015
aww! I love this story. It is incredibly fabulous, fantastic.
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