Reviews for Xtreme Freak
okare8 chapter 16 . 3/21
I eagerly await your next update
deathwearsblack chapter 16 . 2/11
Please update.
gaharbert chapter 16 . 10/5/2019
This story is great. I am sorry it seems to have died. maybe sometime in the future it can be brought back to life
SortingHat chapter 1 . 9/10/2019
What I really wanted to say is Dudley would fit in with the pigs when Jesus casted them out and they ran off a cliff. Dudley would go right along with them squealing all the way.
SortingHat chapter 1 . 9/10/2019
Dudley is NOT a Conservative. The idea of Conservatives being abusive came from the 1960s 'altering history' lies that first started in the Universities then in the 80s trickled down to local schools for a new bred of voters to vote in a 'welfare' state to crash the system.

You can't have 'Welfare' without a core like you can't have magic without a core. Without a working class this whole 'free drugs,sex and money' is going to fall apart. It already is but we haven't seen the worse of it.

One of the dumbest things done to make the stock market meaningless is putting retirement money into the system automatically using AI bots so people won't have to 'think' where it goes. This makes sick companies like EA Games or Google stay alive far longer then they should. They actually are losing more money then they are making but have a lot of 'stock' so it doesn't bother them.

When the time comes for investors to pull out it will be far too late.
KagomeGirl021 chapter 16 . 8/2/2019
will you be continuing this? its been over a year and 1/2 since the last update. it's now August 2019 and the last update was February 2018. PLEASE PLEASE say you will finish this. it's so different compared to anything else written so far. i would dearly love to see remus get his head on straight finally and dumb-as-a-door get his comeuppance. i would also love to see moldyshorts get a good kick in the pants an defeated. it seems moldyshorts would be easier to somehow defeat than dumb-as-a-door as harry now has all of moldyshorts' knowledge. i would also LOVE to see neville and harry become proper god-brothers as they should have been and bring in luna and maybe the twins and their oldest 2 brothers (i could never really see any of them following dumbles as easy as the other siblings plus i adore the twins XD)
lesa.blazer chapter 1 . 5/11/2019
Please please come back and continue this story soon
santa s angry elf chapter 16 . 3/24/2019
this has been the greatest dumbleldoor bashing story that i have read to date ,it is a little hard to follow sometimes as there is a lot there but this has been great and i do look forward to more, keep up the great work
REXTREME FREAK chapter 16 . 2/11/2019

I have to say this is the best fan fiction I have ever read!

I have just finished reading chapter 16.

I hope to read new chapters soon.

Best Regards,Ray E Mail me when there are new chapters.
LightOtter chapter 16 . 2/2/2019
Please continue this story. I just discovered it (again) and I still like it.
Dragonman110 chapter 16 . 1/25/2019
Update please.
peg441asus chapter 16 . 10/30/2018
Interesting story. The last section about the Marauders didn't fit with the rest of the story. It bogged down the plot, then you never finished it. That is my number one pet peeve regarding fanfiction.
crafter43 chapter 16 . 10/28/2018
this story is so great and while it has been over a year I truly hope that your muse is still active towards it and that RL wiil give you the time to complete it ... thank you for your WONDERFUL imagination and fabulous writing skills .. hope you can write more soon
MrBatman123086 chapter 16 . 10/24/2018
Guest chapter 16 . 9/14/2018
Hi. I just had a thought about giving harry some more friends, well sort of. Why not sometime in the future let harry's inner imps make a mistake and he could maybe talk too other people from other fandoms. Like maybe talking to sarah kerrington from starcraft or the librarian from halo or others of the sort. Let them tell him about their universe and him his. Maybe he can help them with a problem or they him. And he finds their games and informs them, shit happpends.
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