Reviews for This Idea of Love
Rider007 chapter 1 . 2/20/2019
Guess what I was listening to when I clicked on this XD
antboarcougardeerelephant chapter 1 . 2/9/2019
I don't usually like femAlex, but this one I did. Please continue!
Em0Wolf chapter 1 . 11/26/2017
I love female Alex books, and this is great! The one thing that could improve it is if you carried it one so it's not a oneshot, maybe fill in the gaps between joining BB and wolf being a psychologist and the three year gap as well, not every single bit but some training or missions or dates or stuff, this is great and I live it so much, when I went to favourite it, it said I already favourited the author, even though I didn't check before I read this, so your an awesome author to be one of the few I gave on my favourite list, congrats!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/3/2016
I really enjoyed reading this. You did a great job at writing it. The romance part of it is a bit small but that's okay, I think, because Alex and Wolf aren't so hard romantic.
dorfchaosgenie chapter 1 . 1/9/2016
I like the idea of a female Alex...
Well done :)
Rizarora chapter 1 . 1/4/2016
This was awesome.
ptl4ever419 chapter 1 . 3/27/2015
Interesting :)
worldtravellingfly chapter 1 . 3/13/2015
I liked your fic! It was well-written, comprehensive and well-rounded. So, good job!
yashendra2797 chapter 1 . 3/10/2015
This was a different pairing. Bit weird, but good... Keep up the good work!
ColourPages chapter 1 . 3/8/2015
I prefer your other stories... But I think that's just me disliking female Alex! Maybe more interaction shown between other members of K - Unit would be fun. (And yes the hashtag did show up!)
xxxarxxx chapter 1 . 3/7/2015
aww it was cutee!
ilove13 chapter 1 . 3/6/2015
please when you do fanfics make sure its long and I dont mind if Alex will become a little darker
MLM24 chapter 1 . 3/6/2015
Loved it! I wish it cod continue!
FeigningMischief chapter 1 . 3/6/2015
This is really good! Not mushy enough to be ooc but nor callous enough to be unrealistic. Really well done! You got the balance just right