Reviews for Wolf Moon
oesteffel chapter 15 . 12/8/2015
Ah, I could sure use a cigarette right now. Please update soon. Thanks.
AmxllamX chapter 15 . 11/22/2015
love the story so far plz update soon
khadijah chapter 15 . 11/18/2015
Welcomd back! Please update more often!
khadijah chapter 14 . 8/6/2015
I love this! I wish more people would do luke and clary fiction! Plus the sex is hot
Guest chapter 14 . 7/27/2015
Is it me, or was Jace kind of a jerk! How does Jace now fit into this story? Is it similar to the original except Luke mated with Clary? If it is, I'm curious as to how this changes the dynamic of the story?

Does it bother Luke that Clary is much younger than him? Kinky Luke is hot...I'm still trying to get use to it. I mean, wow! That glasses thing is definitely new! I'm exhausted just reading about it & then reread some parts to make sure I got it right! How is she not in a coma after that! Especially since she was tired after that quickie. This was way more athletic like she said. Luke...for someone who hasn't been getting any for what 16 years...did he ever do it with anyone?...sure is making up for lost time! Dude! Jocelyn missed out Big time!

He sure is possessive of her. I love your lemons! Luke has never been sexier! Damn, this is better than Magic Mike! He is like sexiest wolf ever!

I wonder how Valentine will react when he finds out that his daughter mated with Luke? Will Clary be tainted in his eyes?

Thanks for updating so fast. Awesome chapter, amazing lemonade! You have a gift!
Please update soon, thanks.
oesteffel chapter 13 . 7/26/2015
I must be doing what they're doing wrong because I'm not sleepy afterwards! Also, why do some writers write about lips bruising after kissing (I'm not saying you did) my has never bruised? That's got me thinking if I'm doing it wrong!

I'm truly becoming a smoke addict when reading your story because I keep wanting a cigarette right after.

Does this mean that Luke can stay with her now? If she's feeling well enough to do that, then why can't she go home?

I love their reunion, it did feel long since they last saw each other. Since Luke bit her & marked her, does she now have a connection to him? Is she bound to him now also? Like as in, she can't fall for someone Jace?

They are using protection so is it fair to assume that at done point, she'll get pregnant? Don't warewolves have like superpowerfull sperm or something?

So Luke won't start aging until Clary catches up with him? Now that they've mated, what's the next step? Marriage?

Anyways...I'm greedy so more lemons please...this was like a quickie though. Sorry about the questions, but I write as I'm thinking these things. Please update soon, thanks. Great chapter by the way!
oesteffel chapter 12 . 6/30/2015
Great chapter! I wonder how Luke acted around his pack before he mated? I wonder if at some point Clary will see her mom as a rival for Luke's affection because he did love her. Or does he still? Why can't they just heal her with an iratze? I love protective Luke; it's hot!
Thank you! Please update soon!
oesteffel chapter 11 . 6/27/2015
So is Clary his wife now? Is she bound to him like he is with her? How about Jocelyn? How does she feel towards Luke & was she jealous before? How will Clary reach when she meets Jace? This is so wrong but I really like the lemons/fluff between Luke & Clary; they aren't related anyway. Why did Luke agree to her request if there was a possibility of him mating with her? Didn't he want Jocelyn for that? Please update soon. Thanks.
marshmellow2403 chapter 8 . 4/15/2015
Please update! It is so good!
Guest chapter 8 . 4/8/2015
Please update #inlovewiththisstory
AnariaLenair chapter 8 . 3/11/2015
So cute, and I love how determined he was to make sure nothing happened to her, very well played as no wolf would leave their mate alone with anyone when injured like that.
AnariaLenair chapter 7 . 3/11/2015
Well that was interesting, and a protective Luke is so hot in my mind. Nicely done.
AnariaLenair chapter 6 . 3/9/2015
That flowed really well, and that was a pretty good fight scene. Mine suck.
AnariaLenair chapter 5 . 3/8/2015
Well, that was one way to set up the attack. I would've probably done the same as Clary if someone was laying into my mate like that, blood or no. I do feel kind of bad that they won't have the chance to work it out though...
AnariaLenair chapter 4 . 3/7/2015
Sooooooo cute! Clary is one lucky girl! I can feel my heart melt with each thing Luke does!
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