Reviews for Shades of Blue
LiterallyMuse chapter 40 . 2/10/2019
This story is so amazing well written. Truly a joy to read.
Mych0ice chapter 40 . 2/10/2018
Another great story!
KrisK chapter 40 . 3/27/2017
I really enjoyed this story. It had drama but it was mostly a very happy and positive story. Thank you for sharing it .
AliceCullen3 chapter 40 . 3/24/2017
MeTheMagicalMuggle chapter 40 . 2/18/2017
This fic has been the highlight of my week. I so loved the story you told, the characters were amazing and the huge role of family made me super happy. Thanks!
JustAnotherMarvelFanGirl881 chapter 40 . 11/21/2016
Wow...I love it...It made me smile,laugh and cry..I liked it very much
Guest chapter 40 . 7/31/2016
Such a sweet story. I enjoyed the little history "lessons". I ended up researching intersex people and learned quite a bit. We know so little and fear what we don't understand, it's really sad. Maybe your story will help bring a little more tolerance.
theKender chapter 40 . 5/31/2016
Supernatural Fan Fiction Monthly Awards Review - May 2016

I’ve read your works before and was a little disappointed by the quality of this one. Not the story itself, but the amount of incorrect grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and conversation indicators. It interrupted the flow of the story.
I felt the characters were mostly still ‘in character’ for their personalities, though with Castiel it was a little borderline (I still really enjoyed how you wrote him though).
I really enjoyed how at the beginning of each chapter you did a quick reminder of how the last chapter ended. I know when I am reading wips and new update happens, I always go back and reread the last few paragraphs of the chapter before, so having it actually included in the new chapters was a good thing. It would have been nice for that to have been kept consistent right to the very end of the story though.
I liked that Sam was able to see ghosts. Between the brothers he was always the one closer to the supernatural and it was an interesting way to bring that into a completely AU story.
You caught the mood of the era, with the war, quite well. And I really enjoyed all the little bits of historical information that you included as notes to the story. It brought the era to life a bit.
The whole Castiel being a hermaphrodite with both sets of genitalia being in perfect working order was not so believable, but it worked for the story. It was really hard to accept however that all these people at the roadhouse could simply accept that Cas left and his completely unknown twin sister Cassie showed up. But then I suppose the obvious pregnancy would definitely be something that would keep anyone really from even thinking that this person could be a man!
You did a good job drawing together all the different plotlines to a common conclusion. And I was really glad to see John not written as a complete asshole!
GrammarDemon chapter 40 . 4/30/2016
OMG, what a well-thought out and wonderful story!

You've done an awesome job with researching the era; your little factoids at the end of each chapter were as interesting as the chapters themselves. (Okay, so I'm a history geek. Especially for WWII.) I can tell that you've put your heart and soul into this tale, and it's been a great ride all the way through. I've been drawn into your world and entertained, falling in love and feeling your characters' emotions right along with them. Shades of Blue did everything a love story is supposed to-gave me the feels! :)

Thank you so much!
SPN Mum chapter 40 . 4/27/2016
Supernatural Fan Fiction Monthly Awards Review - April 2016

This story had a lot of going on and sometimes I felt more like I was reading a newspaper, rather than a single story. Perhaps it was the third person POV, or maybe it was a lack of descriptive writing, but I never really felt connected to the characters. There were some good ideas, but they didn't gel together, instead seeming to jump around a lot. There were also times when words were misspelled or used incorrectly, and they were more noticeable because of the lack of feeling for the characters. For as long as this story was, I think you could have taken the time to write more real emotion, instead of coming across as though an outsider were telling your story. I did enjoy the way the children interacted with people, and the last chapter tied up the characters' lives nicely.
cadytheneko chapter 40 . 4/16/2016
Wow, this was great! I loved it! You write amazingly!
Thrae Elddim chapter 40 . 4/7/2016
Wow. This was amazing, I couldn't stop reading. Seriously. While the smut needs some work, there's a very charming feel to the whole piece. Very small-town America. Fitting. Thank you so much for posting this.
vantweet chapter 40 . 1/2/2016
i just love this story! it is in so many ways historically accurate, it is awesome!
You totally caught the mood concerning the war, and the little tidbits of information at the end of each chapter were a swell to read :D
In medical theory the whole herm thing (concerning two fully-operating genitals) would be impossible, but well, the winchesters and cas are known for the supernatural.
In my opinion the feelings of cas about his sex have been caught down to a tee.

i'm so much in love with this fic, it feels unreal!
lots of love for you!
Tari4078 chapter 40 . 12/31/2015
Bravo! I super enjoyed this story. I loved the characters and wrap up in this chapter. I loved that the people that matter to you don't judge you and those that would judge, don't matter. Thanks!
darkphoenix2345 chapter 40 . 12/29/2015
Girl you know I adore your work but this particular ending is my all time favorite so far. Sam & Jo having triplets and little Milo being a miniature Dean...adorbs! Dawn and Dell are too cute. I picture him as a teen version of the actor who plays Jackson on Grey's Anatomy. Sam being a bit of a perv-priceless! Finally Destiel were even hotter in their early 30s and love Castiel's pixie cut. Thanks for creating this beautiful story and sharing it with us. :)

PS Ha Ha the pastor became someone's bitch in prison. Holla!
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