Reviews for Harry Potter & Claire Smith's Adventures: Book Four
Ghostwriter71 chapter 25 . 10/17/2019

And don't worry about taking a while to update...we all understand that life is a roller-coaster, after all. :)
NicoleR85 chapter 25 . 10/17/2019
Welcome back. I can't wait to read the real chapter.
Giga the Spacehog chapter 24 . 12/13/2017
I can only guess how Claire will act around Umbridge :) I'm already imagining Claire will stop listening to her when she says "Wands away please."
Timewalker chapter 24 . 1/11/2017
Hello there!
It's me again!... Though I don't think you remember me but I was a fan of your fics since the begining... Usted to write a review every time you updated, sorry I haven't reviewed lately but chemo has been a nightmare and couldn't do a lot of reading...
Anyway! As always, another great chapter for a great story, it's a shame you cannot update as frequently as you usted to... Would have loved to read 'till the end of Claire's adventures but the doctors said don't have too much time left...
Just do me a favor can you?... Give this serie the greatest finale you can think about, make it EPIC, blow off the minds of everyone who read this this story with the biggest ending chapter!
My last greetings from México!
Sir Egg of Breakfast chapter 24 . 1/1/2017
I like it. Ew Snape. He gets on my nerves in canon, like I get he was a hero but at the same time some of the things he does are awful, like when Hermiones teeth get hit with the spell that makes them grow and he just says I see no difference? Wow Snape I hope you feel better about yourself now you lowered the confidence of a child. He annoys me but I digress.
I am excited for the historical chapters- Wizarding history is something that could be very interesting but really isn't in canon thanks to Binns. I get to study witch burnings for A level later on looking forward to that but not in a grim way. I am still puzzling over the pretender- my theory was Jeremy but hes dead now. Unless he is pretending to be dead? Might be Jason but I feel it would be out of a sense of loyalty if he did end up doing it. Its a brilliant series you should be proud of this :) it was one of the first fics I read that inspired me to get my own account.
time and relative awesomeness chapter 24 . 10/14/2016
i just want to say something iv'e been meaning to say in a while. your stories are the reason i'm typing up my own fan fiction.
Ghostwriter71 chapter 24 . 10/9/2016
Honestly, your writing is so good I'm surprised you don't think many people would read your stories. Excellent chapter, by the way. :)
Natekleh chapter 24 . 10/9/2016
Like every adventure with the Doctor, something bad is going to happen...
NicoleR85 chapter 24 . 10/9/2016
Another great chapter. I can't wait to read more. Please update soon.
Alice Gone Madd chapter 23 . 8/22/2016
Ok I know The Doctor is up to something ...well let's hope he knows what's he's doing lol...then again he aways does
Guest chapter 23 . 8/22/2016
This story is one of the best I have ever read. The way the OC can fit into the normal story is really good. Although I would like the Doctor/Carina relationship explored into more, because they make a really good couple. Also, I hope Ten does not regenerate in the end, due to all the heartbreak and pain his incarnation suffered in a time span of 6 years, I think he really discoveres a way for Carina to live longer and to watch his daughter's life. The Tenth Doctor needs a lot of happiness after Rose, The Master, Donna, Time Lord Victorious and his impending regeneration(which I would like to also be explored). Sorry for such a long review and please keep on writing.
NicoleR85 chapter 23 . 8/21/2016
Another great chapter. I can't wait to ream more. Please update soon
Nerdfighter1309 chapter 22 . 7/29/2016
Calling it, the shadowy death eater was Jason,

Sir Egg of Breakfast chapter 22 . 7/28/2016
I like how complex Jason is but I think hes a morally good character. Like he always tries to do the things that will protect the people he cares about. I think hes similar to Harry in that regard, except Harry would try to save everyone even if he didn't know them whereas Jason only had a small group of people hes loyal to and will try to protect. I think the added backstory only shows how far hed go to protect people he cares about. I actually admire him for that and hes quickly becoming one of my favourite characters, I cant really hate him.
I have a lot of theories about the Death Eater Doctor lookalike. I originally thought it might be the Master in disguise, but I don't think so as the Master would never follow or bow down to a villain like Voldemort, who he would see as far beneath him. Another theory is it might be the DoctorDonna Tenth Doctor who somehow got into a different dimension and went mad after Rose died or something and is now serving Voldemort? Or the Doctor is a double agent.
I'm ok.
I'm not ok. bugger.
NicoleR85 chapter 22 . 7/27/2016
Another great chapter. I can't wait to read more. Please update soon.
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