Reviews for Fifty Shades of Erised
Silverlight10243 chapter 8 . 5/26/2018
Love this chapter!
Leocadia chapter 28 . 4/28/2018
I love the fact that you made Sirius deepest desire something as simple and honest as the love and pride he wants his parents to feel for him - the one thing he can never really get.
Jane chapter 29 . 1/28/2018
Thank you so much for these! I love your take on all of them
Jane chapter 26 . 1/28/2018
That one hit so hard T.T
I loved the foreshadowing in the others, too
Ralinde chapter 17 . 11/3/2017
Wait. So you made Bellatrix Voldemort's daughter? o.O I don't think I've ever come accross that before. I'm a fan of Bellamort so I don't know if I can support this theory. ;-) However, I do feel that in this story, it made sense. It is interesting to see that what Tom most desires is to see a giant snake feed on Muggleborns. Although, if he really wanted to see her maul down a living Muggleborn, wouldn't the Mirror have shown him that instead of a dead one? I liked the mention that even at Hogwarts, Tom was exerting power over his clasmates, because I definitely think that is true.
Fire The Canon chapter 23 . 7/10/2017
Beautiful. This is really beautiful. And might I add, I love that you are doing 50 chapters of what people see in the mirror. I'm sure there are many questions to this topic. Of course she would miss her sisters, and she probably did sacrifice so much for Ted. This actually really breaks my heart. I think this was portrayed really nicely. Well done.
The Apocryphal One chapter 29 . 12/14/2016
Short but heartbreaking :( Lily's last words in particular are so few, but carry so much weight in them.
The Crownless Queen chapter 29 . 11/7/2016
Oh no... This was so sad :'( But so beautiful too. I love the concept, and I have to admit that what people see or would see in the Mirror of Erised is something that's interested me since I first read the book :)
Lily's vision was heartbreaking, and her words were beautiful, poetic even. I loved that James thought he showed the future because, of course, his greatest desire would be to have a family with Lily.
This was really amazingly beautiful for such a short story, and I loved it :) So kudos to you
The Cinder Crown chapter 21 . 11/7/2016
.goodness. This was so beautiful! Minerva is my absolute favourite character, so I was delighted to tead something about her; especially when she stands in front of the mirror of erised!
I often wonder what she might see in it... I like your idea a lot! Considering her (possible) past with riddle! It was amazing to see her struggeling woth her own past, that a part of her can't believe that she still loves him... and that at a second glance she sees the real 'man' she has fallen in live with (and not the monster he had become)
But the ending? I almost cried when I realized that she had died! Soo sad!
*Now excuse me, I have to go and grab a tussue...* -Lexi-
Marvelgeek42 chapter 1 . 11/6/2016
Oh my god, I love your idea! I have never really thought about the origin of the Mirror of Erised so far, but this is most certainly a good idea! I love your idea that they were responsible for each other's artifacts, I can totally see that being the case, I also liked how you did not mention any names at the beginning (unless you count your chapter title), leaving the reader to guess.
waterlit chapter 29 . 10/1/2016
How is it possible to put so much tragedy into so few words? It's hard, but you did it wonderfully in this chapter.

One of the smaller tragedies of Lily's life, I think, was her estrangement from her sister, and you captured that pain in that last sentence.
yellow 14 chapter 29 . 9/24/2016
Beautiful as always. Nice chapters, keep updating
Winter Leigh End chapter 24 . 9/22/2016
This was an interesting way to bring Narcissa, any character, really, to the mirror. In a situation like battle, her ending up in an unexpected room while trying to find Draco is quite believable.

Obviously since has no time to study the mirror in length, her thinking it might be showing her the possible future her son could have rather than an ideal one is nice. The imagining of his veiled wife first made me think it was a wedding scene she saw, so the little toddler son coming out from behind Draco's wife's skirts was a surprise.

Not a bad one, just not a complete fit for the way things were being previously described.

I like that it gives her the resolve to not give up, however, because she wants what she sees to truly be the future and not just a potential one. It's a strong way to end things.
Winter Leigh End chapter 27 . 9/17/2016
"…he's glad of the library and…" this seems a bit off, maybe that of should be a for?

Ah, for a moment there I almost thought he was an adult in this and his encounter with the mirror was happening during his time as a professor. I'm quite happy that it turns out this a scene from when he's a student. I like how it was an out-of-date copy that lead him to the mirror. Remus always did seem a bit bookish and him discovering it while reading makes a lot of sense.

His greatest desire is no surprise, of course, it was always quite obvious Remus did not like that he was a werewolf and him finding joy in realizing that his greatest desire to be a normal human who can walk beneath the full moon without is quite nice. I like how this alleviates some of his fears about himself and helps him enjoy the rest of his year at Hogwarts.

The ominous bit in the parentheses about his beast becoming more integrated with his person because of the war is a bit sad, but understandable and I kind of wonder if his greatest desire would change post-war, or if it'd be the same after he's become more mixed with his werewolf-side.
Winter Leigh End chapter 19 . 8/23/2016
"…boy still shy sixteen." of should between shy and sixteen.

"…respecting no design that they do create." This reads a little funny. I think there should be a not between do and create. Otherwise, it sounds to me that they don't respect anything they themselves create.

I liked this chapter. The way you describe Walburga, dark and priggish is really neat. The idea of her being the real hunter and leader in her relationship with Orion is cool and fits rather well with canon. She always did come off as the more vocal about the Black views between the two of them.

It's interesting that the mirror is showing her this old encounter. Even though she denies knowing why the mirror re-played that memory the last lines seems to indicate it has to do with Orion. I wonder, though, if there's not more to that memory in particular since she has to have hundred of thousands of memories of Orion. Personally, I can imagine there's quite a bit she might have loved about that time in particular. She was young, she was in charge and in control, certain in her superiority, there was a whole future ahead of her that she could imagine being full of potentially wonderful and great things (even if that's not how things played out in the end).

Nice job on this one!
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