Reviews for Taking Baby Steps
Guest chapter 1 . 12/29/2017
Thank you
starbin21 chapter 1 . 4/28/2015
Wonderful! I love love LOVE the way you led the reader in! Very clever. And I just finished my maternity clinical, so I would say you got everything right except that it's crucial to burp a baby halfway through the bottle and again after the bottle is done. This avoids regurgitation (aka, spit up) from taking in too much milk at once. Otherwise, it's very well written for someone who doesn't know a lot about babies! There was just the right amount of SimonxJeanette fluff as well. I immensely enjoyed reading this and cannot wait to see more from you.
Stevenspielbergwriter3 chapter 1 . 3/14/2015
This was really sweet. You've outdone yourself once again.
ChipmunkfanNo.1 chapter 1 . 3/11/2015
Aww, this has got to be the most touching and adorable of your present short stories. I like how your branching out with your imagination and thinking about children for Simonette. I think you're spot on with how you wrote your description of Simon and Jeanette's daughter as I could imagine her looking a lot like Jeanette only with Simon's blue-grey eyes. It was a good idea not to give her a name either as it's probably best left to the imagination.

As a person who has studied child care I can't really approve of so much of some of Simon's choices, particularly leaving his baby alone on the table. While she's probably too young at this stage to roll over, there is a small possiblity that she could have fallen off the table if she did -by chance- roll over. I can probably understand where Simon's coming from with wanting a scarf to use as a mask, but still even at a young age a baby can still feel embarrassed so it's probably better that he didn't do that, no matter how painful it may have been for him. Also while sleeping with a baby sounds gorgeous and I personally thought that scene was so cute, there can be some risks involved with that such as accidentally lying on the baby, getting her caught in cracks, etc. Nonetheless Simon didn't do too bad of a job with looking after his daughter by himself and besides being a first time parent probably isn't easy, and that's coming from somebody with no parental experience whatsoever. I shouldn't be judgemental or pedantic, after all Simon's just learning these things, plus it is just a story and not real life.

My favourite part was probably Simon showing his daughter the photo album and of course their tender moment where his baby played with his glasses as they gazed at each other (that would make an adorable picture). You can tell that Simon loves his baby girl and is starting to truly bond with her. I'm sure Jeanette must be proud too.

I would love to see some more stories about the Chipmunks and Chipettes and their future children if you have any in mind. Perhaps you can do a Theonor based one as well and/or perhaps one with Simon and Jeanette's daughter when she's slightly older. Anyway, a wonderful job on this story! Keep up the good work!
DarkEvgaline chapter 1 . 3/11/2015
This was a good story. What does the baby look like besides having grey eyes?
Guest chapter 1 . 3/11/2015
AWW!Now THAT'S adorable! I can see more chapters in this story shaping up, such as meeting her cousins {Alvin's twins and maybe Theodore's kids} and the baby as a toddler coming down to "Watch Daddy work" and "Trying to ' help' ',maybe.
Awesomo3000 chapter 1 . 3/11/2015
Okay, I haven't read any AATC stories in a LOOOOOONG time but this is freaking adorable. And very realistic of having to care for a baby without observing someone else do so.