Reviews for In the end
Melina-chan chapter 5 . 5/10/2016
You said the 6th chapter would come at the end of the week and now it has been almost five months! I love this story and I really don't care whether you update weekly, monthly or every other month etc but it has been five months without a word and I'm beginning to loose hope that you're going to finish this fic which would be a shame because it's incredibly good! Soo please just come back and update even if it's just a short chapter or an A/N to tell us why you can't update right now - anything! I'm feeling desperate!
Guest chapter 5 . 12/28/2015
More please love it!
cherryflowerblossoms chapter 5 . 12/17/2015
Super salty this stopped. The plot is so good.
Ozpin Greenacre chapter 4 . 10/22/2015
Don't forget this story! It is really good :D
beanche chapter 4 . 9/2/2015
Good story so far. I like how Sakura seems more mature about her feelings. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to read more! :)
LDaastrich chapter 4 . 5/4/2015
Great story, next chapter please :)
Rizu Hatake-hime chapter 4 . 5/3/2015
Aah.. that kind of love is the kind of love I hate the most. Frustrating, depressing, suffocating, not gonna admitting, lets just avoiding, denial living.. gaah! I've read enough to last for a lifetime.. really. Be it SasuSaku, KakaSaku, ItaSaku, etc. But regardless, I'll still read again the next time I find them. I'm such a hopeless romance lover.. I know. hahaha..
Your story was well written, I just found the theme very much common in FFN. Anyway, update soon!
anavihs chapter 1 . 4/26/2015
This intro and first chapter was soooo good. I got trapped right away! I couldn't even take the 2 seconds to review. But I'm going it now.


update soon!

anavihs chapter 2 . 4/26/2015
I know I had to come back and review all the chapters... What's going on with Kabuto?

Im so intrigued!

anavihs chapter 3 . 4/26/2015
I love the story! You put a lot of depth there and there were so many facets of the characters!

anavihs chapter 4 . 4/26/2015
This is awesome so far! :)

Loooove itttt!

moodymel chapter 4 . 4/26/2015
Very good story. I look forward to the next chapter.
PeopleOrderOurPatties chapter 4 . 4/25/2015
I like that you've made Sakura mature about her feelings. She understands how Kakashi would feel, and how that will be painful. It's quite a change from the normal, which I'm thankful for. Great chapter overall! :)
Yaz-Cas chapter 4 . 4/24/2015
The story is getting better and better!
Please update soon!
lilmama-the one n only chapter 3 . 3/31/2015
*raises hand* ahem *clears throat into fist* I would like some crushing on sakura's end for Kakashi. Fluff me up babeh!

Update soon!
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