Reviews for Project S: Part 2
Gnatbuzz21 chapter 1 . 3/31/2003
I liked this story as much as the other one! I can't wait to read #3! Again, this sounds like a Replica book!
karmakaze chapter 1 . 12/9/2002
No! Nancy can't be dead. Oh well. WHO IS AGENT 050? WHAT IN THE WORLD DO YOU MEAN WHEN YOU SAY YOUR STORY IS BORING? THE ONLY THING THAT COULD MAKE IT MORE INTERESTING WOULD BE COLORED FONTS, AND A ONE EYED PIRATE. Okay, I'll shut up now. I'm excited. Anyways, WHO IS AGENT 050! Chris, Andy, or Eric? And where's Shane? I like Shane:) So, all I can really suggest would be that you add more physical description of your characters, as in their height, hairstyles, build, exct. Other than that, please continue. But I think on fanfiction, you're supposed to upload new chapters as a continuation of the last one. Oh well. I don't care as long as you write more:)