Reviews for Detours
RebornRose1992 chapter 23 . 8/22/2018
Amazing story!
spidergirl723 chapter 23 . 11/13/2016
Great work- out of all your stories, I think this one is the closest to being what Season 6 would have been, a true follow-up. While I do love all the angst of the other stories, this one being more plot driven reads more like a true TV show. If you put this in a TV script format it'd be official lol. Thanks again for keeping this alive. When will you write another chapter to this one? Going to Syria would be so intense and filled with're keeping me on my toes.
Me chapter 23 . 11/9/2016
You have a beautiful flow when writing. Thank you so much. Hope you update soon. Lots of hugs and kisses for the good work
CEC chapter 23 . 1/19/2016
Hope to see an update soon. Thanks for writing!
CAFan chapter 23 . 1/4/2016
Love this chapter! You're moving right through the mission while still developing the relationships and staying true to the characters. Great pace, good dialog & detail. Excited to see how this story develops and closes. (You'll just have to start another McWalker). Thanks for staying faithful to the writing!
CAFan chapter 22 . 1/1/2016
Nice Christmas gift- an update! Thanks so much for keeping the adventure going.

Interested to see how Annie's condition and treatment and her marriage plays out. It seems she is getting deeper and deeper into the mission and further away from starting a new life.
Guest chapter 21 . 12/9/2015
Looking forward to some Detours & Demons during the holidays! Thank you for continuing.
CAFan chapter 21 . 11/11/2015
Hate that you are stressed, but think it is great that you have found such a creative outlet!
I'm so interested to see where this story is heading with Zarya & Eyal. Belenko is so manipulative that it makes me nervous when our heroes have any conversations with him. Ugh...Ryan going to Syria...not a good sign.
Guest chapter 21 . 10/29/2015
Thanks for another great chapter. I like that eyal and zarya are now friends. You have written so much based on the characters and I enjoy reading every one of your stories. They are so good. Thanks for continuing your stories.
kaitlin1198 chapter 20 . 10/24/2015
Great chapter! Loved all the detail it was super good!
Guest chapter 20 . 10/22/2015
Yes Yes Yes! Your response to reviewer was perfect, NightOwl - and that's why I love Annie and Ryan together. Thank you for writing their story!
NightOwlHoot chapter 20 . 10/22/2015
Thanks for the reviews. I really want to spend all day writing, but I have to prep for my class. I have a hard time wrapping these stories up. I want them to go on. There’s so much good material to work with. I do think if there had been a S6, it would have explored Annie and Ryan trying to make it work despite their line of work. . .I think at the heart, that’s what the show was about, can you separate your personal and professional life when you’re a covert operative? Annie’s always forced to blur the lines and she does it, but then there are consequences. . . Clearly the answer isn’t a simple one. . . Ben was Annie’s backstory, never meant to last. Simon was a fantasy (as much as I loved his character) and doomed to fail from the start despite Annie falling hard for him, Auggie (I do love Auggie) was the colleague/friend who became a crush and then became a boyfriend but then work got in the way. They found their way back to friendship. Ryan, I’d like to think the writers would end the show with Annie & Ryan, but who knows. He is an amalgam of Ben, Simon, and Auggie to me. . and a sprinkle of Eyal b/c he is full of mystery, cocky yet humble at times, witty, strong, decent, but most of all he adored Annie.
CAFan chapter 20 . 10/21/2015
Great chapter! I have wondered if Annie and Ryan can actually work out their personal and professional relationships. The daily ups-and-downs of marriage between non-spies is tough enough. I can't imagine keeping it together under these circumstances. Lots of room for the ebb and flow of conflict & resolution, hurt & forgiveness. I think this would have been an important story line in Season 6. Would this relationship be strong enough to survive when Annie's with Ben, Simon, & Auggie did not? So glad you are exploring it in Detours.
Guest chapter 20 . 10/19/2015
Thanks for this update. I am really enjoying this story.
Rush chapter 19 . 10/12/2015
I love Eyal and their relationship and I love the fact that you make an episode with them. Love the plot that you imagine here.. Is like next season in covert affairs. Hope that Ryan and Annie work through their issues. And hope you update soon. Thx for making my life full with your stories
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