Reviews for Losing Cohesion
Erica Murray chapter 1 . 7/2
I absolutely LOVE this piece! I wish you would write more like this or even continue this on. Great job!
TashaMacie chapter 1 . 10/5/2016
This is and for ever will be one of the saddest fics I have ever read.
CloudyWolf05 chapter 1 . 4/14/2016
Hey there! I just wanted to say, this was awesome. Like seriously. It's takes a great writer to get me to cry, and I cried. I love the up and down roller coaster Zack experiences and moreso how you wrote it. I rarely feel the need to write a review, but this warranted such. Anyways, I very much enjoy this kinds of stories, ones that view from different perspectives, and topics that many fanfic writers of FFVII attempt to write but fall short. Also, I never could imagine what Cloud and Zack went through. Another thing I really found that I enjoyed was the tone of voice Cloud had, I could imagine him still the 15-16 year old he was when this happened; also how Zack did speak of Aeris to Cloud. All I can say is...brilliant. Keep up the great work, lookin' forward to it!
Srednasnhoj chapter 1 . 12/26/2015
Dear lord that was a chilling tale.
TokiNoKusabi chapter 1 . 4/18/2015
I've read numerous fics that take place during Zack and Cloud's time with Hojo, but I think this is the first that's depicted Cloud's decline in such a gripping way to me. Others have been super well-written, as this one definitely is, but the way you wrote Zack's perspective just sets this one apart. That last section, after the way you built it up, with the two of them together especially got me, even brought me to tears. I've enjoyed your writing, so thank you and well done!
makiva chapter 1 . 4/17/2015
Zack's growing terror and despair as his best friend is suffocated by what they are subjected to in the labs, taking with him Zack's hopes for a better future for both of them... very painful, and horrifying.
A really great take on how it might've been. Thank you for writing this :)
JaybirdnCrew chapter 1 . 3/25/2015
Nice take on their captivity ;)
Frankokomando chapter 1 . 3/19/2015
This is so sad! :( But I love it. I hope you write more!