Reviews for Hit and Miss
Jankan chapter 8 . 4/12
Lol this is so funny and i love it ao much.
Layla chapter 1 . 2/27
I love iiiit
Maya chapter 8 . 2/24
Love iiiiit
FairyTail IsLife chapter 2 . 8/25/2019
Depending on HOW you write the Tartaros Demons, I will probably like them. Some people are Petey good at that. I still hate them in the anime and NO ONE will EVER change my mind about that.
FairyTail IsLife chapter 1 . 8/25/2019
Oh, this keeps getting better and better. (Cackles)
AkemiChanButterfly chapter 8 . 4/28/2019
Oh my...!
A friend of mine recommended your fanfic story to me because I'm a huge sucker for a good miramard pairing an I have to admit even without it this is the best! Im still laughing so hard, btw love your writing style!

Keep up your work cause it's fanfuckingtastic! Hope to see some new chapters soon ️

Lots of love and kind regards
NerdmomDM chapter 8 . 1/21/2019
I laughed until I cried. Literally. It's now 5:19 am and I just finished reading this. I will have my 2 kids waking me up in less than 2 hours, but it was worth it to read as much as you have written. Seriously, I love this story. I do like the character development a lot and watching Sting and Lucy grow closer.
Drbean chapter 8 . 1/14/2019
I'm mad at myself for not noticing the latest chapter 3 months ago when it came out! I follow this story and every chapter is so entertaining. This latest one didn't disappoint and left me snickering at blazed Sting at 2 am when i had to get up at 6 am for my internship. I'm in love with your writing style! Also, I'm excited to see the next progression in StingLu's relationship! Please update soon :)
o . Sora . o chapter 8 . 12/6/2018
Loved it. Update soon :)
charlie jai chapter 8 . 11/12/2018
LoVe It BoYyyYYY love disssssss. love love love love LOOVVEEEEE. sorry i got into stings brownies. jk. But no joke i love your story skkskskks ill be waiting in th corner for the update my sweetie :)
general zargon chapter 8 . 10/29/2018
OMG, stoned!Sting is hilarious and stoned!Mard and his interactions with Mira made me want to laugh and cry in equal measure. :'D I enjoyed this chapter and the way Lucy and Sting are progressing, they're really in-character. I wish you the best of luck on your writing!
Ragboy7 chapter 8 . 10/25/2018
Good shit bro
primordialpaper chapter 8 . 10/24/2018
I swear, hand to god, that I joked to myself "I'm surprised they're not weed brownies" when Sting first ate them. (The title kind of slipped my mind then lol) Should've known better than to think you'd let an opportunity like that pass by. This fic is just as hysterical and engaging as I remember it to be, and let me just say, the doses of angst and seriousness with Mard and Mira interspersed amongst the Galaxy Brain revelations Sting was going through were very nicely done. There's so many plot avenues I like in this: Sting and Lucy's hijinks and friendship, Mard and Mira's more sedate but warm familiarity, and Wendy's quest to find her parentage, I'm so excited to see more of it all! Thanks for this terrific update, and make sure not to strain yourself!
Shell1331 chapter 8 . 10/23/2018
Fantastic chapter! As usual for me, Mard steals the show :-)
Guest chapter 8 . 10/20/2018
Oh my god, I'm so excited to know what happens next! I love love love your writing style, it's so smart and witty. Loved the chapter! I am not a huge fan of StiCy but you changed my perceptions. This is so so good and Mard is so cute!
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