Reviews for The Art of Coping
Wolfjackle chapter 3 . 6/11
Damn, this hit hard. But in a good way. I know everyone complains about book 5 Harry, but he's my favorite. I think this is completely in character and does a really good job at exploring what exactly he's going through at this point in the series.

And I'm always on board for some Parental!Sirius.

Thanks for sharing!
krashwiz chapter 3 . 4/27
It was a lovely story.
The Harry Turtle chapter 3 . 11/9/2019
What an intriguing premise! Yeah poor Harry should probably have a pretty bad case of PTSD after all the trauma he’s been through. I always wondered why he wasn’t more messed up in the books. I enjoyed your story & thank you for writing it!
spiffy2143 chapter 3 . 11/27/2018
Great story. Can't really blame Harry for feeling that way.
PrinceSolange chapter 3 . 1/3/2018
That was a really thought out story. I remember reading the books and I would keep thinking that Harry had nerves of steel to still be able to function during all the crazy in his life. I know he's just a character.
I thought the idea of the cube was really cool. It would make sense that Harry wanted something like that. I winder how he stumbled on an idea to find something like that. So at first I didn't realize how it could be a Dark object, but then what he goes through, wow.
Thanks for sharing your idea and story. It was eye opening.
asceNDING chapter 1 . 12/30/2015
Um...hi...yeah. Well, I love your story you are an amazing author, please keep it coming I am dying to know what happens next
Orange3WhiteSkew chapter 2 . 4/3/2015
Oh dear, Harry's gotten himself into some difficult trouble.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/24/2015
This story is exactly what I need for the place I am in right now.
I have never seen anything like it and I commend you on your creativity. Plus, you're doing a great job keeping the reality of the story consistent and without plot holes, something that is hard to do, and often hard to find on here.
I love that you didn't make it too sentimental, especially refraining from Hermione breaking down when she confronts Harry (another cliche that irks me every time. Just because she's female doesn't mean she has to be emotionally unstable!)
The ending was too damn perfect and had me bouncing up and down on my couch in happiness. I can't wait to see where this goes.

PLEASEEE update soon!
Nan7 chapter 1 . 3/22/2015
Nice! I don't think I've ever read a fic where Harry is addicted to anything. Can't wait to see how this pans out. And I totally was not expecting Harry to go to Sirius. In my mind, as I was reading this, I thought that this was after Year 5.