Reviews for 1945
Evanelle chapter 4 . 3/24
I really like Tom and Merope's interactions in this chapter, and Tom's thoughts.
Evanelle chapter 2 . 3/24
I really like the line about Merope being the crazy one in this chapter.
Evanelle chapter 1 . 3/24
I've always been curious what Tom would be like, had he grown up with both his parents. You wrote a really interesting prologue and I look forward to reading the next chapter.
Josh Voices Swayla Audio Fics chapter 25 . 3/18
I can't wait to see Tom Riddle Sr' face when Voldemort puts him on his hit list
Voldy's pink teddy chapter 25 . 1/7
Wow, thanks for all the updates! I love how you write Tom.
Voldy's pink teddy chapter 15 . 2/23/2017
Interesting story! Tom's life is hard in different ways than canon - abuse instead of neglect, but he's turned out much the same. I wonder if he'll go down the same path. Merope is right; he does have a lot of the Gaunts in him, and it showed in this chapter. He's more polished, of course, and, like in canon, smarter about not getting caught when he does something. It's interesting that Dumbledore sees him as one of his favorite students, yet can still see beneath his mask more than other teachers. He's exceptional in that he knows there is a mask in the first place.

I'm interested to see where this goes!
Bittersweet Freedom chapter 14 . 1/19/2016
I do so love me a good Riddle-centric story! The premise of this fic is super interesting. I've seen fics where Tom was raised by Merope, but never fics where he was raised by both Merope AND Tom Riddle Sr.

I wonder what Tom is going to do in retaliation to the older Slytherin's attack (and he will retaliate. He's Tom Riddle). Is he going to use Ari to poison them? Or will he just use his own power?
Lord Alania chapter 10 . 8/16/2015
That last line made me think that in some twisted way Dumbledore is the closest think Voldemort has for a father: male authority figure who offers both example and discipline.
An Enemy Spy chapter 5 . 4/9/2015
The snake isn't Nagini?
Guest chapter 4 . 4/2/2015
Is the fact that Tom Riddle Sr. conceived Voldy under the influence of a love potion possibly a reason why he doesn't have any affection for him?
Layla Thrace chapter 3 . 4/1/2015
Can't wait to read more!
delenda est c chapter 2 . 3/27/2015
Excellent story . Thank you .
An Enemy Spy chapter 1 . 3/22/2015
This right here. This is how you do minimalist writing. The lack of too much detail really helps sell the terrible things happening in this story.