Reviews for The Prudish Princely Stable Boy and the Whiny Demanding Princess
Cococauldroncakes chapter 1 . 3/24
This made me laugh
LoonyBadger chapter 1 . 11/12/2019
Oh wow I love this! Im such a suck for college aus! I would so read more of this if u wanted to expland on it
halfravenhalfclaw chapter 1 . 4/10/2019
Aww Sirius is so adorable when he is like that. I want to read more stories with him.
mokubahv chapter 1 . 10/25/2018
Geeze, Sirius is so annoying! Like, is he doing it on purpose?! Lol.

Aww, that was cute. The bedtime stories were funny and I liked how you were able to explain his behavior in a way that makes him sound endearing. A sweet little tale.
DinoDina chapter 1 . 1/7/2017
And then the prudish stable boy and the whiny princess lived happily ever after! :D

I think Remus was really sweet and caring and kind... and Sirius was also really sweet. And I like their dialogue (especially when James gets involved), and the nickname. (SO cute! *gushes*)
HA chapter 1 . 7/29/2015
Of course he'd be able to stay another night! ;)
Lemniscate35173 chapter 1 . 6/26/2015
This is amazing. I can totally picture Sirius being all demanding to someone he just met, and James having to "take care of him". Remus's fairy tales were also hilarious; I was laughing the entire time. Great work!
HoodedSpellcaster chapter 1 . 4/29/2015
First thought after reading the title: "is this some sort of fantasy!AU?"
Second thought: "Oh my all loving WolfStar goddess why I haven't read your stories before?!"
Sirius as a princess made almost too much sense and Remus is too kind for his own good but in this case it turned to an advantage. I simply adore this. You really have a knack for writing!
There wasn't too much Jily to take attention away from WolfStar; instead they completed each other. Poor Peter was only mentioned (I wonder what was the reason behind naming him Wormtail, and more importantly, why did he name James Prongs? XD).
Last thought: "James please leave and let them shag already!"
Way to go, Liza! :D
Guest chapter 1 . 4/24/2015
I am usually on the fence when it comes to Muggle!AU, but this was absolutely fantastic. Oh Lord I was laughing at nearly every line. You have an amazing talent for spinning a story, and a gift when it comes to humor.
I really love the way these characters played off one another. It was so cheerful and easy going. Eveyone was so in character and natural. That seems to be my main problem with reading AUs, as they often get too far from the actual characters. This is not a problem for you. Your Remus is the cutest little button, and Sirius just as devious as could be. Complete adorableness in every word.
Ralinde chapter 1 . 4/23/2015
At first I thought: I wonder who the princess in the story is going to be... And then I realised it was of course another WolfStar story. :P

This was funny and well-written. Remus is quite the softy for letting Sirius get away with all of that. And all he wanted to do was sleep... gahhh.

I've read so many how-Remus-and-Sirius-got-together-AUs from your hand the past months, that however entertaining they are individual, I find that I grow a bit tired of reading the same theme over and over again. It would be nice to read about a different theme, because I'm sure you can pull it off.
alyssialui chapter 1 . 4/19/2015
I loved this. This was similar to another one of your stories where you have Remus and Sirius making up their own fairytale. I liked princess Sirius and the little confession that came out during their adaptation of the Princess and the Pea. I also loved how James looks out for Sirius and how nice of a host Remus was to his house guest. Sucks about Sirius' parents though. Nice job.
sd4ianto chapter 1 . 4/16/2015
Are you continuing with the story? it's really cute.
lokilette chapter 1 . 4/10/2015
I've never read any Muggle!AU fics, so I find it interesting. I like the idea of a university setting for the boys.

I'm already laughing, right from the beginning, at the idea of it being too early for poor Remus and the fact that he can't even get his slippers on the right feet. Oh my goodness, the bit about James' bed-covers making them invisible cracked me up and had me laughing out loud! I love that line!

Oh my gosh, I can definitely see Sirius being like that as a roommate just to drive Remus insane! The scene was amazing. I loved Remus' reaction to the idea of eating chocolate, and I like how just the thought of having to eat *fruit* was enough to convince Sirius to go to bed. That was too cute.

Just when I thought it couldn't be any funnier. Oh gosh, my sides hurt. I love Remus' stories. All bedtime stories should be that entertaining, and Sirius' interjections made them all the funnier! I love the stable-boy comment.

"At least you aren't Wormtail" - That killed me! I love it! The dialogue here is so natural and believable, even with it being AU, and completely in-character. I just love this.
shadowcaster01 chapter 1 . 4/9/2015
This was cute to read, and quite amusing too. I can totally picture Sirius purposely annoying a bewildered Remus like that, if only to keep his attention. I don't read too many AUs about this pair, but this one was fairly simple and seemed to keep everyone in character. Great job on that.
isaacswolfsbane chapter 1 . 4/6/2015
Ahaha that was hilarious!
I don't read enough WolfStar, I don't know why I just don't read a lot of it. But when I do it's usually yours and it's always brilliant :D

I love your characterisation, especially the thought you've put into how Sirius would react after the way his parents treated him. Both of them are really believable, and I loved their interaction with James at the end.

The demands Sirius made were fantastic, and the stories Remus told actually made me laugh out loud which resulted in my mum telling me to shut up.
As for the nicknaming and the way Sirius clings to Remus even though they've only just met that is just adorable.

Overall a fantastic story that left me wanting more :)
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