Reviews for Spider-Man & Jewel
minoru chapter 1 . 9/21/2015
You should continue this story it's pretty good
BlackJoker013 chapter 1 . 8/11/2015
Good fic
Nick chapter 1 . 8/9/2015
I like this story it's pretty good I hope to see more in the future
mcknight93 chapter 1 . 4/10/2015
You have interesting ideas, and real talent for posting chapters so quick. You also do a decent job in writing Peter's character. I do love reading a good Spider man story.

However I noticed in one aspect you can improve on in writing; the spacing when characters talk. Whenever a character finished talking and a new person speaks, start a new paragraph. That way readers won't be confused on who is talking and the text won't seem as long.

A prime example being:

"So, did you miss me while you were out in space?" An unmasked Spider man asked with a small smile aimed towards Captain Marvel.

"Yeah." She replied with a grin of her own, hands on her hips. "I missed having a talking punching bag."

Other men would have chuckled awkwardly or simply walked away, but instead, Peter's smile only grew. He truly enjoyed having Carol Danvers back again.

"See, I knew you missed me. Now come on, hot dogs are on me tonight."

Alright, you understand what I am getting at? The spacing, which is making a new paragraph, makes it look a lot better. And its easier for others to read.

Now as for your next one shot based on your poll, I voted for Wonder Woman. Don't see a lot of stories with her and Spidey out there. It will be very interesting how you will make the chemistry work between them.
exel 12 chapter 1 . 4/5/2015
good story homie i am loooking foward to daredevil on net flix too.
Spidey Legend chapter 1 . 4/5/2015
I'm glad that you did this One Shot, specially because I was the only one who vote for Jessica (until now) in te poll.

Great work. This has a lot of potential.
Rider Paladin chapter 1 . 4/5/2015
It makes a certain degree of sense that they be referred to as their heroic alter egos, as they don't yet know who the other is in civilian life. And yeah, if I can get Netflix, I'll be spending my weekend on a Daredevil binge, too. Speaking of the Purple Man, he also appeared in an episode of the 90s X-Men animated series, taking place around the time Jean Grey was presumed dead and focusing on Cyclops trying to find a place for himself in a world without her. He ended up confronting the Purple Man masquerading as a philanthropist named Zebediah Killgrave who used his powers to mentally manipulate young mutants into committing crimes for him. That was pretty much his first animated appearance, and that episode of Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes you're referencing was based on an actual comic arc, Emperor Doom, where Doctor Doom used Killgrave's powers to take control of the entire planet. In that same arc, when Killgrave got too big for his britches and claimed that Doom would fall under his power as well, Doom taught him a real lesson in power that left him dead for 10 years in real time.

And yes, it does indeed seem like pretty much every classmate Peter has ever had has also turned into a superhuman of some kind. In some adaptations and retellings, his costumed allies get recast as his classmates prior to the events that grant them their abilities. And while Liz might not count except in the Ultimate Universe where she becomes that reality's Firestar, her (step)brother Mark Raxton did become the Molten Man, so that would count as another super-powered being with a connection to Peter's school life. Oh, and I should mention that some of his college professors ended up becoming super-villains, like Miles Warren as the Jackal, Curt Connors as the Lizard, and Edward Lansky as the Lightmaster, who actually became a villain because he was pissed off about New York State cutting the funds for higher education.

All that aside, I really enjoyed this story, and I am looking forward to Jessica Jones someday getting an appearance in a Spider-Man animated series or the MCU movies he'll soon be starring in. As for a good plot idea for pairing Spider-Man with She-Hulk, maybe it starts with them taking on Titania, who's had a longstanding grudge against She-Hulk and a longstanding fear of Spider-Man since the Secret Wars, and after being banged up a fair bit, She-Hulk takes Spider-Man to get patched up. At some point, she gets curious about why he does what he does, trying to pierce past the defensive veil he puts up in the form of his constant quipping and joking, and eventually Spider-Man gives in and tells her why, without revealing his real name. She-Hulk finds herself more impressed with him than she was expecting, and from there, it can progress however you like.

On the subject of pairing him with Stargirl, depends on which version we're going with - pre-New 52 Justice Society Stargirl, New 52 Justice League of America/United Stargirl, or animated Justice League Unlimited Stargirl. If the last one (or the first prior to her maturation as a hero), I could see it starting with a Spider-Man closer to her age teaching her a lesson in responsibility and what being a hero really means after he gets fed up with her bratty behavior. If the second, I could see them bonding over having a strong sense of principles and heroism and chafing at being underestimated and discounted by their adult and allegedly more experienced peers.

Hope all this helps a little.
NeoTyson chapter 1 . 4/5/2015
Man this one-shot made me actually want to see a full story of this pairing lol. Its funny how I voted for she-hulk since the poll on my page has she-hulk as the most vote haha. For my future spidey/she hulk paring it will feature superior Spider-man as She hulk gets help from Daredevil to help prove Spider-man mind was swap and tries to find a way to find way to get her love back.
edboy4926 chapter 1 . 4/5/2015
Interesting story
cabrera1234 chapter 1 . 4/5/2015
I think this is the first time any buddy pair up spider-man and jewel please continue.