Reviews for Long Road to North
Kuga chapter 84 . 3/10/2019
It has been a while. I marathonned through this fanfic and had a good time Too bad there's no new chapter yet :(
Mouji chapter 1 . 1/11/2019
Dear Urponator, I really love this fanfic! This is the best Komahina fanfic I've ever seen!
May I take the liberty to ask you to allow me to translate this fanfic into Chinese? I really hope more Chinese Dangan fans can read this great article. I promise I will protect your copyright and try my best to be faithful to your original! If you allow me to do translation work, I will post it on Lofter(a Chinese forum similar to Tumblr), you can see it whenever u want! I will state the original author and the link of original article clearly, please don't worry about this *o*
Thank you so much for the amazing works!
Teal732000 chapter 84 . 9/24/2018
Oof am I late
Hello I very clearly havnt commenred in a long time
This story was really a peice of art I love your style and the pacing of it all
Even if you do not continue this
I do want you to know I enjoyed your story very much and hope the best for your future works
ExclusivelyInclusive chapter 84 . 1/13/2018
It makes me so sad that this hasn't been updated in so long! It has, without a doubt, become my favorite Danganronpa fanfiction. I hope it will be continued, despite the wide time gap... though it probably won't...
Kururo Kuga chapter 80 . 10/4/2017
Uwawawawawawawa it's such a fluffy chapter that my heart is all light and fly-y and fluttering right now! Thank you for the dose of marshmallow fluffiness!
I'm very very excited about the final arc! Don't worry about the date we are still waiting for your nice written chapters of KomaHina drama It's really really nice to read your fanfic, I swear!
Wait... October 10th... the birthday of Naruto, Xanxus and Gintoki and a buncha famous characters! SO COOL!
Kururo Kuga chapter 79 . 9/22/2017
It's alright I enjoyed this chapter greatly! Really putting a calm feeling to my being~ Your writing is also so smooth that I didn't realize I have read until the end, and everything are so nice and peaceful and still interesting and GOOD! A rare nice fanfiction I can enjoy~
Lol Komaeda falling though! XD I had fun imagining his fall but poor babe broke his nose! Boo boo flies away~
Kururo Kuga chapter 77 . 8/30/2017
Do you know that I feel like crying when you said you strained yourself? Please be more careful QAQ
This chapter is a promise of something guuuud~ There's more than a week, but we can wait as long as we get to read what happens next Best AU!
James-is-a-Fanboy chapter 77 . 8/28/2017
Hey, don't worry about late updates, I'm sure we're all just grateful you can give us this glorious piece of writing, it isn't an obligation though! I hope you can resolve all your problems, and that your friends are ok(?) I'm super late with my review I think since rl has been killing me lately, but anyways nice chapter!

The hairdryer scene was cute and I'm wating excitedly for the future marble scene. I also, like Komaeda, want to know more about Junko and what does the 'End of the World' consist of. I mean, will it be like The Tragedy or will it literally be the end and the world will explode or something.

Also I was wondering, is there a Hope's Peak / Kibougakuen in this universe? or would that be a spoiler? Maybe you mentioned it and I forgot?

Anyways nice chapie and good luck with your problems, ciao ciao.
Teal732000 chapter 77 . 8/27/2017
Glad youre back and safe love the chapter komeada deserves comfort!
3cheersforidiots chapter 77 . 8/25/2017
It's been so long, I didn't even notice just how much I missed these updates. I hope you're doing better, though, since your health and peace of mind always comes first and foremost. Either way, it was good to be back in this story again, and I can't wait to delve deeper into Hinata's past (which I hope is looming around the corner, but I guess we'll see). As usual, I'll be waiting on the next chapter, but I also hope you'll feel better first :)
Saruko chapter 76 . 8/10/2017
Thank you for the good chapter. Omnomnomnom~
It was delicious, thank you very much! And it's kind of late, but we will keep wating anyway. It's fine, it takes time for a good chapter yeah?
saruko chapter 75 . 6/24/2017
I havent been following your updates for quite a while and when I came back YOU BLEW MY MIND! This! What happened blew my mind! This is the best KomaHina fanfiction I've ever read and to tell the truth I don't even want to see a doujinshi because no drawings can even express how BEAUTIFUL you potrayed them! Those fucking idiots! I am! Completely! SHOOK! I can't even wait for your next update because I am so excited to see how it all will turn out! What were Kamukura like if Hinata is still such a noob!? What did he do!? What did Komaeda did and will do will he blow up something again or go against Hinata I CANT WAIT TO FIND OUT! Please take care of yourself very well, I will humbly await your next chapter. Gambare!
KishaKKFanfic chapter 75 . 6/23/2017
Hehehe, I'm sure it would, Nagito~

But in all seriousness, this was awesome, as always, and I can't wait for the next chapter! (I just want to see if Hinata accepts and what happens from there... *nosebleed* xD

You're the only person that actually sticks to their schedule, so I'm glad. (Believe me, there's a lot that don't have regular updates.)

So uhhh... yeah. Update soon, please!
Teal732000 chapter 75 . 6/22/2017
Ah pleasw take care of yourself. I love komeadas thought process hes trying so hard!
Josie chapter 75 . 6/21/2017
Love it love it love it! Keep it up!
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